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Princeton Charter vs. District

September 23, 2011

When the NJ Commissioner of Education approved the Princeton International Academy Charter School (PIACS), he probably didn’t know that the district would fight so vigorously to thwart his authority – and the Governor’s authority by extension – so vehemently. But this small, Mandarin-English dual language immersion, inquiry-based framework with international math standards has given the district power brokers so much aggravation that they’ve convinced the municipality not to approve PIACS’s ability to secure a facility for which they have not only the funds, but the students willing to attend starting next year.

This is not a new blocking tactic. It happens nationwide, but many don’t have the bandwidth to fight. Not Princeton.

Rather than sit down and take it, PIACS has filed suit, asking the Commissioner to block the district’s use of public monies to thwart the opening of a new public school. He’s bucked it to an administrative law judge, which may or may not play in the schools’ favor. But perhaps it’s time for the bold and talented Governor Chris Christie to vocalize in support of this school’s right to exist, and NJ parents’ right to make that choice. Because no amount of legal maneuvering will ever stop the Blob. It takes political muscle.

To get more information about the Princeton Charter, go to

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