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Daily Headlines for January 25, 2013

January 25, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


Moving to Opportunity Results Show Need to Expand Choice and End Zip Code Education
Dropout Nation, January 24, 2013

An article of faith among many traditionalists that moving poor children and their families out of downtrodden neighborhoods into more-affluent ones will somehow improve their achievement.

White House: Schools Must Open Sports To Disabled
USA Today, January 25, 2013

The Obama administration for the first time is telling school districts across the USA that they must give disabled students equal access to extracurricular sports, a move that advocates say has been years in the making.



Berkeley Charter School Fosters Creativity And Innovation
San Jose Mercury News, CA, January 24, 2013

Realm Charter School, the city’s only public charter school, opened its doors in fall 2011 to provide students in grades 6 through 12 with a program centered on project-based learning, with an emphasis on technology, research and action.

Do We Really Need A Charter School?
Burbank Leader, CA, January 25, 2013

On Sunday, Jan. 6, The Herald-Mail reported a request by several citizens to the Board of Education to consider the approval of what would be our first charter school.

Take Closer Look At Education Grade
Times-Standard, CA, January 25, 2013

Public education is frequently under the microscope, with good reason. Public education affects our entire population, as it is charged with preparing children and young adults with the academic, physical, and social tools necessary to succeed as adults.

Charter School Rift
North Coast Journal, CA, January 24, 2013

The prospect of sharing campus space has a community fretting about inequality

It’s Reform Vs. The Union In LAUSD Race
Los Angeles Daily News, CA, January 24, 2013

The future of Los Angeles’ public-education reform is at stake on March 5. That’s not hyperbole; that’s the truth about what could happen next election day.


Rocketship Charter Schools Revamping Signature ‘Learning Lab’
Washington Post Blog, DC, January 25, 2013

The Rocketship network of charter schools has made a name for itself in the world of school choice — and attracted $2 million from the Obama administration to help it grow — with its “blended learning” model that incorporates traditional classroom settings with a computer “Learning Lab” for students.

D.C. School Leaders Concerned About Proposed Graduation Requirements
Washington Examiner, DC, January 24, 2013

D.C. students would have to complete more art, music and physical education before they can graduate under a proposal by the DC State Board of Education. But school leaders warn that the new requirements would hurt both students who excel and those who lag behind.


Charter Schools Poised to Get Florida’s Capital Outlay Funding for Third Straight Year
Bradenton Times, FL, January 25, 2013

In 2012, charter schools were narrowly unsuccessful in getting a state bill passed to require public school districts to give charter schools some of their local property tax revenue, though they received about $55 million for school construction through Governor Scott’s controversial decision to give them all of the state’s available capital outlay funding. If a recently proposed FLDOE budget is adopted, they’ll get even more next year, while school districts again go without.

Teacher Pay Proposal Smacks Of Political Bribe
Orlando Sentinel, FL, January 25, 2013

Our translation: Desperate to perk up a 36 percent approval rating ahead of his 2014 re-election bid, Scott hopes this “investment” pays dividends at the polls. We’re surprised he didn’t throw in a promise of dark chocolate, red wine and foot massages.

Study Shows Students’ Race, Poverty Not Factors in Teacher Ratings
News Chief, FL, January 24, 2013

Studies show students’ race and socio-economic status have virtually no correlation with their teachers’ performance evaluation scores, a top Florida education official told a legislative panel Thursday.

A Boost For Teachers — Maybe
Sarasota Herald-Tribune, FL, January 25, 2013

Gov. Rick Scott’s proposed, $2,500 pay hike for Florida teachers is the first positive news that these underappreciated professionals have seen in a long time.


Final Fundraising Data Shows 10-1 Advantage For Charter Backers
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, January 24, 2013

Backers of a constitutional amendment supporting charter schools outspent opponents more than 10 to 1 last fall, with most of the money coming from out-of-state advocates and businesses that make money off of such schools, year-end records show.


Luna Calls For 3% Budget Boost For Idaho Schools
Spokesman Review, WA, January 24, 2013

A humbled Idaho schools Superintendent Tom Luna told state lawmakers Thursday that regardless of how it’s done, he wants Idaho to keep investing in teacher pay and classroom technology.


School, Parents Push Toward Charter Appeal
The Journal Gazette, IN, January 25, 2013

Nearly 200 parents, current and former students and teachers came out in support of the school during a meeting Thursday where parents shared stories and learned more about Ball State University’s decision and what they can do to get involved.


House Committee Approves Bill That Would Prohibit Teachers Union From Using Voluntary Paycheck Donations For Political Advocacy
Lawrence Journal World, KS, January 24, 2013

A House committee on Thursday approved a bill that would prohibit the Kansas National Education Association from taking voluntary paycheck donations from teachers and using those funds for political advocacy.


Neville Charter Group To File Complaint
Monroe News Star, LA, January 25, 2013

Neville Charter school spokesman Ronnie Shelby said Thursday the group believes the “acting superintendents” of Monroe City Schools interfered with the vote process for the Neville charter and they plan to file a complaint with the Department of Education and the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education.


Teacher Prep Efforts Criticized
Clarion-Ledger, MS, January 25, 2013

In Mississippi, 94 percent of college- and university-based teacher preparation programs “are insufficiently selective,” according to a report released today by the National Council on Teacher Quality.

Desoto Lawmakers: Tweak Charter Bill
DeSoto Times, MS, January 25, 2013

DeSoto County lawmakers say the charter school bill which eventually emerges from joint Senate and House conferees will likely be a vast improvement from last session when lawmakers were confronted with a “bad bill,” State Rep. Pat Nelson, R-Southaven, said Thursday.

GOP Split On Charter Bills
Clarion Ledger, MS, January 24, 2013

New battle lines have been drawn on charter schools expansion in the Legislature, and they’re no longer between Republicans and Democrats. They’re between Republicans and appear to be pitting the speaker and governor against the lieutenant governor.

Charter Schools: Runaway Train?
Jackson Free Press, MS, January 24, 2013

A few times during last night’s debate over the Mississippi House of Representatives’ charter-school law, HB 369, Democrats were resigned that charter schools were a runaway train they couldn’t stop.


Schools Fail To File Work For Tax-Exempt Status
Courier Post, NJ, January 25, 2013

Two local charter schools, including the city’s oldest, have lost tax-exempt status after failing to file required forms with the IRS for a three-year period.


H.S. Graduation Rate Soars
Albuquerque Journal, NM, January 25, 2013

New Mexico’s high school graduation rate jumped to 70 percent last year, a significant increase from 2011′s 63 percent.


Oswego Charter School Plan Moving Forward Again
Oswego County Times, NY, January 25, 2013

Organizers of the Renaissance Charter School of Oswego took a step backward last summer so they can leap ahead now.

Mr. Mulgrew’s Pupils
New York Daily News, NY, January 25, 2013

There will be a power behind the throne in the schools chancellor’s office if John Liu, Bill de Blasio or Bill Thompson wins the 2013 mayoral election. His name will be Michael Mulgrew.

Closing Schools To Serve Kids Better
New York Daily News, NY, January 25, 2013

The closing of Catholic schools in the archdiocese of New York has garnered a lot of headlines recently, and for good reason. No one ever likes to see a school close. Shuttering a school is very painful for me, and I know that the difficulty it causes for our students, their families and our parishes is even greater.


Barresi To Seek $37.7 Million In Supplemental School Funding
Tulsa World, OK, January 25, 2013

State Superintendent Janet Barresi announced Thursday that she will be seeking $37.7 million in supplemental appropriations from the Legislature.


Oregon Schools Begin To Tie Teacher Pay To Student Test Scores
The Oregonian, OR, January 24, 2013

In the past few months, six Oregon school districts have quietly paid $2.75 million in bonuses to teachers and principals who excelled on the job and boosted student test scores, a controversial practice that is increasingly being tried around the country.


With New Rules, Pa. Charter School Performance Plummets
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, January 25, 2013

The percentage of Pennsylvania charter schools that met academic benchmarks plummeted after the state Department of Education was forced to recalculate the performance rates.

Charter Schools Not Private
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, PA, January 24, 2013
The Jan. 20 article “Many Alle-Kiski school districts challenge private charter, cyber schools” perpetuates the gross inaccuracy that charter schools are private. There is no such thing as a “private charter school.“

Education Reform Should Not Be Reduced To Parody
Allentown Morning Call, PA, January 24, 2013

It is shameful that The Morning Call chose to publish Bill White’s column (“Charter schools delivering what they promise?”) that reduces education reform in Pennsylvania to a parody. Mr. White’s senseless dialogue about a fictitious school is neither forthcoming in its context nor based in reality.


School Choice Bill Introduced In SC Senate Again
The State, SC, January 25, 2013

A bill to help S.C. parents pay the cost of private school was introduced again in the state Senate Wednesday.


‘Parent Trigger’ Idea On TN Schools Takeover Evolves
The Tennessean, TN, January 25, 2013

A much-anticipated parent trigger bill that would allow a majority of parents or teachers to force a school takeover is ready to wind its way through the Tennessee House.


Sen. Patrick Touts Support Of New Group For School Reform
Dallas Morning News Blog, TX, January 24, 2013

Senate Education Committee Chairman Dan Patrick said Thursday he will work with a new organization, Texans Deserve Great Schools, to help craft legislation that improves public schools through such means as expanded online learning, better teacher preparation, classroom innovations and tougher rules for failing schools.

LISD Trustees OK Anti-Voucher Resolution
Avalanche-Journal, TX, January 24, 2013

Trustees of the Lubbock Independent School District on Thursday approved a resolution opposing the state adoption of any voucher-type plan, even as they commended the district’s new publicity drive, launched to answer campaigns by area school districts.

Texas Teachers, Foundations Converge On Capitol
Houston Chronicle, TX, January 24, 2013

Hundreds of teachers gathered at the state Capitol on Thursday to urge Texas lawmakers to roll back $5.4 billion in public education cuts imposed two years ago, while nearby a coalition of foundations pushed for reforms without necessarily spending more money.


Obenshain Comments on Bringing Charter Schools to Virginia
Luray Page Free Press, VA, January 24, 2013

Theoretically, Virginia is a charter school state. Theoretically. Unfortunately, our charter laws are such that it’s nearly impossible to obtain a charter, and there are only four charter schools in the entire Commonwealth.

Va. House, Senate Panels Back Bill To Overhaul Teacher Evaluation, Grievance Processes
Washington Post, DC, January 24, 2013

The House of Delegates passed a major component of Gov. Bob McDonnell’s education reform package Thursday, hours after a Senate committee endorsed the measure.


Rosendale-Brandon Set To Start New Charter School
Fond du Lac Reporter, WI, January 25, 2013

The Rosendale-Brandon School District is moving ahead with plans for a project-based charter school.


Expert: Schools Need To Get Online
Columbus Dispatch, OH, January 25, 2013

More online learning could be coming to a school near you, based on a meeting yesterday of Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman’s Education Commission, which is examining how to improve education in the city.

District Recommends Denial Of Online School
Our Colorado News, CO, January 24, 2013

Representatives from the Colorado Virtual Academy had one last chance to convince the Adams 12 Five Star Schools Board of Education to renew its charter application during its Jan. 16 meeting.

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