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More Prop. 82 numbers

The more you look at Prop. 82, the uglier it gets:

According to the final tally of ballots cast, 60.9 percent of voters statewide opposed Prop. 82 while just 39.1 percent supported it.

The initiative, which needed a simple majority to pass, narrowly prevailed in just three of California’s 58 counties: Alameda, Imperial, and San Francisco. In conservative Orange County, 73 percent of voters came out against it.

"It was a tough environment for initiatives,” said Prop. 82 spokesman Nathan James, who said that low voter turnout worked against the campaign. “A lot of the Democratic base wasn’t there to weigh in.”

And the headline of the article? "Universal Preschool Advocates Vow to Continue Efforts."  If they’re trying to figure out where to begin anew, they could do a lot worse than by starting here.  And they probably will!  (Also check out Mike Antonucci’s postmortem here.)