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In April we addressed the Think Tank Review Project.  Then Nancy Salvato took a swing at the group.  Now Checker Finn breaks out the brass knuckles.  Excerpt:

We at the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation always thought it passing strange that so opinionated a group would set itself up as impartial arbiters. After all, TTRP is a collaborative effort of the Education and Public Interest Center at the University of Colorado , and Arizona State University ‘s Education Policy Research Unit. The latter is run by Alex Molnar, who has for years opposed charter schools, privatization, and half (or maybe three-quarters) of every other education reform and reform idea worthy of attention. How can a contestant also play umpire? How can a butcher be fair to vegetarians? How, for that matter, can a leopard change his spots?

We predicted that this group, from neutrally referring other people’s research, would climb right into the ring and start sparring, perhaps with gloves, perhaps barehanded. Now we have evidence that this is the case. And guess whom they’re sparring with? Us.

Either TTRP is not impartial, which is what we believe, or they can’t read. The latter seems unlikely but in Arizona , home of whole-language guru Ken Goodman, one can never assume.

Read the whole thing, as they say.