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The Blob Strikes Back

September 23, 2011

There’s an old saying in ed reform; when the National School Boards Association (NSBA) and American Association of School Administrators (AASA) want something, it must not be reform. That’s the case – again – with their call for blanket waivers from NCLB. Wow, it was just a matter of time till they could get away from the heat in the kitchen.

Chiefs for Change — a group of 8 current and 2 former school chiefs who share a zeal for reform — took umbrage with this. They “oppose suspending accountability provisions of the ESEA through blanket waivers or universal modifications, as the American Association of School Administrators and the National School Board Association recently petitioned.” Until a real reauthorization occurs, we cannot be lowering standards and weakening the quality of education.

Kudos to these new leaders, who dare to step out of the box. Let’s hope they stay there a good long time and that others follow suit.

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