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Distinguished Education Reformers Honored at National Education Reform Celebration

October 21, 2011

CER Press Release
Washington, DC
October 21, 2011

The Center for Education Reform (CER) celebrated and recognized the extraordinary achievements by eight renowned education leaders by honoring them with the prestigious EdReformies Award at CER’s 18th anniversary gala event, EdReformies – Rockin’ Reform Revue Gala.

The 2011 EdReformies were awarded to The Honorable John Boehner, Katherine Bradley, Kevin Chavous, John Fisher, Steve Klinsky, John Legend, Eva Moskowitz and Brian Williams of NBC News. This select group of leaders was chosen for their accomplishments in education reform that collectively span almost all the states. This group has helped spur several million education opportunities for children throughout the U.S.

Among their accomplishments, the award recipients have been pioneers in the rapid growth of the charter school movement, have advanced and protected private school choice programs in Congress, and have increased and enhanced dialogue on major education reform issues over network television.

“Tonight’s special honorees exemplify true leadership in education reform. Millions of education opportunities have become available to hundreds of thousands of children that may have not had those opportunities before. Change is never easy and it takes time, but with a little help from our friends, we can provide better education for our children,” said Jeanne Allen, president of The Center for Education Reform.

Every few years CER celebrates with a night dedicated to honoring distinguished leaders who have been integral in creating and expanding quality educational opportunities for children. This year, CER created its own musical ensemble, The Reformers (education reformers with talent), the only rock group solely committed to celebrating education reform. The Reformers paid tribute to EdReformies recipients through classic rock musical selections.

Members of The Reformers include:

Bob Bowdon, Director, “The Cartel” and Founder, Choice Media
Kenneth Campbell, President, Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO)
Jonas Chartock, CEO, Leading Educators
Paul Powell, Founding Principal, Uncommon Schools-Troy Prep
Mickey Revenaugh, Executive Vice President, Connections Learning
Joe Williams, Executive Director, Democrats for Education Reform (DFER)
Caprice Young, CEO & President, EnCorps, Inc.
Dawn Chavous, Executive Director, Students First PA

“These Reformers put themselves in the spotlight so that many more kids with the greatest needs can be recognized by a wider group of people,” continued Allen. “This was an amazing night of education reform, musical talent and excitement.”

For more information about the EdReformies – Rockin’ Reform Revue visit

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