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URGENT: Ed Reform Needs Your Help!

October 24, 2011

After months of deliberating on how best to improve educational opportunities for Pennsylvania the Senate passed the SB 1, and the bill awaits a hearing in the House Education Committee. Voice your support for ed reform now!

The proposal builds on work begun earlier this year in the legislature and represents unprecedented unity among the Governor, the House and the Senate in supporting a package that is critical for any state to improve its schools. But there is still work to be done and your voice is needed! Please take a moment NOW to reach out to your Representatives to support expanded choice and charter improvements in Pennsylvania.

Here’s why it’s important:

• Expand meaningful school choices for children, particularly lower and middle-income families.

• Give families with children in the lowest performing school districts the opportunity to choose a better school for their child, with the money allocated for their education following them to the school their parents best feel meets their needs.

• Provide additional tax incentives for businesses to contribute their profits to scholarship organizations (the Educational Improvement Tax Credit), which provide middle and low income parents with support to pay for alternative educational opportunities.

• Make additional improvements to the state’s charter school law paving the way for further action in the House that would enable new, publicly accountable authorizers to manage, open and monitor charter schools. Such laws in other states are responsible for the highest number of high quality charter schools.

What are parents saying to the House? Check out their comments

Act now! Call AND write your legislator and tell him/her you are counting on his/her support to ensure Pennsylvania’s students have access to the high-quality choices and charter schools policies included in SB1.

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