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Charter School Bill Would Remove Replication Roadblocks, Expand Choices for Michigan Families

October 25, 2011

CER Press Release
Washington, DC
October 25, 2011

A recently passed Senate bill now being debated in the House provides Michigan with the opportunity to strengthen its charter school law and provide new choices for even more of the state’s students.

Two of the primary measures in the bill include removing the cap on the number of charter schools university authorizers may approve and elimination of the “single site” requirement allowing school replication. This removes many of the roadblocks successful charter schools in the state face in creating additional schools.

“Michigan’s students deserve their chance at success and that requires giving them the freedom to explore educational options tailored to their specific needs,” said Jeanne Allen, president of The Center for Education Reform. “Students who want to be in charter schools are stuck on waiting lists with even more trapped in failing schools, which the US Secretary of Education predicts will dramatically increase this year.”

In addition to numerous other important improvements regarding accountability and operations, the proposal before the House would ensure increased digital learning opportunities among all students

“Michigan’s law has fallen behind those it used to outpace by failing to improve on important charter policies that increase quality opportunities for students. The current, bi-partisan effort, once passed, will further the state’s standing as a state making strides in reforming education,” said Allen. “Removing roadblocks to replicating successful charter schools is necessary to strengthen the state’s educational system.”

CER last ranked Michigan’s charter school law as the nation’s 5th strongest in its report “Charter School Laws Across the State,” a report that will is annually updated each winter.

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