Trust Us, We’re Not Nationalizing Curriculum
Washington Examiner, DC, March 26, 2012
The Obama administration can’t seem to resist wading into state discussions about standards and tests, the guideposts that direct what is taught in local schools.
Pending Charter School Legislative Bill Cause For Concern With Legislators And Area School Officials
Sand Mountain Reporter, AL, March 26, 2012
A bill that would establish charter schools in Alabama has a number of local school superintendents concerned about some of the language in the bill.
Santa Rosa District Investigates Conflict Charge
Press-Democrat, CA, March 26, 2012
At issue is school board member Tad Wakefield’s vote March 14 in support of closing Doyle Park at the end of the school year, a decision that will make way for a French American charter school on the campus. Just before he voted, Wakefield admitted that he had placed his kids names on a list of potential students at the charter school.
Conn. Panel Endorses Revamped School Overhaul Bill
Republican American, CT, March 26, 2012
Connecticut lawmakers began putting their imprint on Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s public education legislation, stripping a contentious provision that would have imposed immediate changes to teacher tenure rules, yet doubling the number of early education slots for needy children.
D.C. Council Pokes Its Nose Into School Business
Washington Post, DC, March 27, 2012
WHEN IT COMES to telling D.C. Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson how to do her job, it appears that D.C. Council members have only just begun.
Public Education Crisis Extends Widely
Jacksonville Times-Union, FL, March 27, 2012
That is why the Times-Union and major community partners have joined in a campaign titled Hope: Raising Our Children. This is not only a Jacksonville issue. But this community, with its history of pulling together for major projects, has the capacity to change the shape of public education.
Website on LHS Charter Conversion Draws Concern From Harrison Parents
The Ledger, FL, March 26, 2012
An informational website about Lakeland High School’s conversion charter process is causing concern to parents at Harrison Center for the Visual and Performing Arts. The website gives the false impression that the conversion is a collaborative effort between Harrison and Lakeland High, said Anu Saxena, president of the Harrison Parents Association.
Military Academy Seeks Charter Extension, Plans To Build School
Ocala Star Banner, FL, March 26, 2012
Francis Marion Military Academy officials expect to close on 16 acres of land in northeast Ocala this week and hope to build a new school on the property by no later than August 2013.
Senate OKs Charter School Funding System
Rome News-Tribune, GA, March 26, 2012
The state Senate has approved a new funding system to support new charter schools in Georgia .
The legislation approved Monday by a vote of 38-14 now heads back to the House for final approval.
New CPS Teacher Evaluation System Debated
Chicago Tribune, IL, March 26, 2012
A group of education policy and research academics called on Mayor Rahm Emanuel Monday to hold off on the widespread implementation of a new teacher evaluation system, and instead introduce the system through smaller pilot programs that would help determine how much of a teacher’s assessment should be based on student achievement.
Fort Wayne’s 1st All-Boys Charter School Approved
News-Sentinel, IN, March 27, 2012
Fort Wayne’s first all-boys charter school has been approved and will begin classes this fall, an official with the proposed academy said.
Charter School Meeting Focuses On Oversight
Des Moines Register, IA, March 27, 2012
Advisory council members of the Des Moines Public Charter School took steps Monday to strengthen their role as the school’s overseeing body.
House Bill Regarding School Vouchers Fails
Topeka Capital –Journal, KS, March 26, 2012
House legislation creating a new Kansas income tax break to attract students to private or parochial schools failed Monday after protracted debate about the wisdom of stretching state resources beyond K-12 public schools.
Neville Group Votes For Charter
Monroe News Star, LA, March 26, 2012
Neville Alumni and Friends Association members voted Monday to proceed as soon as possible with filing an application to charter Neville High School.
Jindal Education Plan Not New
The Advocate, LA, March 27, 2012
There is nothing new about Gov. Bobby Jindal’s education reform for the state of Louisiana. It has been tried and failed in other states.
Jindal Agrees To Help Schools With Desegregation Orders
Shreveport Times, LA, March 27, 2012
As discussion heated up in the Louisiana House over Gov. Bobby Jindal’s education reform bills, one important piece to the puzzle also came to light through questioning by Rep. Jeff Thompson, R-Bossier City .
Teacher Tenure Bill May Be Unacceptable to Gov. Dayton
Minnesota Public Radio, MN, March 26, 2012
House and Senate negotiators say they are trying to craft a teacher tenure bill that DFL Gov. Mark Dayton would be willing to sign, but the prospects of such a compromise this session appear bleak.
“These Are Exciting Times For Charter Schools,” Acting N.J. Education Chief Tells Conference
Press of Atlantic City, NJ, March 26, 2012
Tighter standards, better ways to measure progress, increased accountability and an easier regulatory environment are what acting N.J. Department of Education chief Christopher Cerf says he has planned for the state’s charter schools as a way to encourage growth and educational quality.
Judged a Failure by the Data, a School Succeeds Where It Counts
New York Times, NY, March 27, 2012
That’s a pretty fair bottom line for any school, although in the up-is-down world of public education in New York , it might just be an epitaph for this small marvel of a high school. Known as a transfer high school, Bushwick Community admits only those teenagers who have failed elsewhere. Most students enter at age 17 or 18, and most have fewer than 10 credits.
Private Schools Mine Parents’ Data, and Wallets
New York Times, NY, March 27, 2012
Relentless fund-raising, be it for the annual fund, the spring benefit or the latest capital campaign, is as much a feature of private schools as small classes and diverse offerings.
Unions In Shameful Ploy To Keep Parents In The Dark About Teacher Performance
New York Daily News, NY, March 27, 2012
To their shame, the state’s teachers unions mounted an intense, behind-the-scenes drive to bar parents from discovering how well or poorly their children’s instructors impart learning.
Model for School Reform
New York Times, NY, March 27, 2012
Re “The Relationship School” (column, March 23): It was an honor to have David Brooks visit our pilot school and share his insights on our model. The components of our model have been explored in different schools.
Most N.C. Districts Exempted From Mandated Five Extra Days of School
News & Observer, NC, March 27, 2012
Most North Carolina public school students will not have to spend an extra five days in classes this fall, marking the second straight year state educators have overridden the requirement passed by state legislators.
Yes, School Proximity
News & Observer , NC, March 27, 2012
Story after story and letter after letter has been printed in The N&O about the new Wake County student assignment plan. Mostly complaints, of course. But, ironically, each and every complaint I have heard or read has one consistent demand – everyone wants a neighborhood assignment.
Asheville School Board Approves Settlement With Charter Schools
Asheville Citizen Times, NC, March 27, 2012
City schools have agreed to pay $735,000 to three local charter schools who sued the system over past funding.
Incentives For Charter School A Bad Precedent
Herald Sun, NC, March 26, 2012
City Councilman Steve Schewel on Monday signaled that he’s likely to oppose the Self-Help credit union’s request for $236,000 in business incentives to renovate the old Y.E. Smith School on Driver Street .
Ohio Making Strides in Race to the Top
Columbus Dispatch, OH, March 27, 2012
Ohio is “meeting expectations” on implementing changes under its $400 million Race to the Top grant, a study released yesterday says.
Cleveland Teachers Union and Mayor Frank Jackson Move Closer To Agreement On Mayor’s Schools Plan, But Hurdles Remain
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, March 26, 2012
-Mayor Frank Jackson and the Cleveland Teachers Union worked through several issues involving Jackson’s schools plan Monday morning, reaching one major understanding but remaining far apart on two issues.
Good Grades
Tulsa World, OK, March 27, 2012
Oklahoma’s policies on identifying effective teachers and weeding out the ineffective ones are among the top in the nation. That’s according to a new report by the nonprofit, nonpartisan National Council on Teacher Quality.
Compacts Need Local Effort
Register-Guard, OR, March 27, 2012
Imagine an assistant undersecretary of education in Washington, D.C. , evaluating Oregon ’s request to be released from some of its obligations under the No Child Left Behind Act. She’s sympathetic to any state’s desire to escape from the increasingly unrealistic and punitive federal law, and a bit intrigued by Oregon ’s plan to use “achievement compacts” to ensure improvements and accountability in public education
Senior Co-Founds Org. To Benefit Charter Schools
Temple News, PA, March 26, 2012
Co-founded by a Temple student, Tech2Educate is a new organization that aims to collect money to buy new technology for Philadelphia charter schools. In response to funding issues for independent city schools, the organization’s foundations hope to bring “up-to-date software and technology” to help modernize classrooms.
TN Bill Would Limit Number of Foreign Workers At Charter Schools
The Tennessean, TN, March 27, 2012
A conservative group that has warned of the growing influence of Islam is promoting a bill that would limit how many legal immigrants charter schools can hire, drawing opposition from charter school and immigrant groups.
‘Creative Approach Schools’ Advances In Seattle Despite Issues
Seattle Times, WA, March 26, 2012
Seattle Public Schools’ framework for Creative Approach Schools will allow those schools to opt out of many district and union requirements as long as 80 percent of their teachers sign on. Some watchdogs are concerned about lack of School Board control and the high rate of teacher agreement needed.
Tenure Is A Matter of Votes
Spokesman Review, WA, March 27, 2012
A recent weeknight found me among a group of about a dozen unhappy parents meeting with the principal of our kids’ high school. The issue: An incompetent teacher who we had been promised would not be returning to the school had shown up unexpectedly, and an administrator had told the students that he might indeed be returning in September.
Union High School’s Online Classes At School Prove Popular
Tulsa World, OK, March 27, 2012
In its pilot year, Union’s Virtual Learning Academy has grown in popularity among high school juniors and seniors. Enrollment is expected to nearly double to more than 800 students next year, said Union Assistant Superintendent Kirt Hartzler.
State Board Of Education Takes Up Digital Learning
St. Augustine Record, FL, March 27, 2012
Florida’s Board of Education will listen to leaders from state public schools and colleges discuss the expansion of online learning.
House Backs Bill Urging Georgia Schools To Promote Virtual Learning
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, March 26, 2012
Georgia public schools would be urged to promote more online learning under a bill the House passed Thursday by a 125-38 vote.