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Daily Headlines: March 29, 2012

Daily Headlines



Adelanto School Leaders Reject Parent Trigger Effort
Los Angeles Times, CA, March 29, 2012

Supporters of changes at struggling Desert Trails Elementary say they will fight the vote in court.

Lawmakers’ Stinting Charter Schools Is A Loss For Children
Hartford Courant, CT, March 28, 2012

Public charter schools are a key to closing the achievement gap between urban and suburban schools, so it’s no wonder that Gov.Dannel P. Malloy had proposed increasing funding for charters in his education reform bill this year.

Education Debate Isn’t Over
The Day, CT, March 29, 2012

The legislature’s Education Committee dealt a serious but not fatal blow to the education reform effort by eliminating or watering down key elements of Gov. Dannel P. Malloy’s plan. The governor now faces the challenge of finding a path to achieve his major goals while providing cover for skittish lawmakers.

Q&A with Jason Kamras: What Lies Ahead for D.C. Public Schools
The Hechinger Report, March 28, 2012

Although there are lots of ideas these days about how to improve U.S. public schools—a number of which are under renewed scrutiny—Jason Kamras thinks he’s got a simple solution.

Legislature Misses Opportunities To Provide More School Choice And Quality Public Education To Florida’s Students
TC Palm, FL, March 29, 2012

At the close of its 60-day session, the Florida Legislature left many issues on the table that would have triggered long-term benefits for Florida ‘s education system. Legislation was proposed to allow for high-performing public charter schools to replicate their academic model to service more students across the state, and to give more dollars, more opportunities and more resources to public charter school students. These proposals however, were unsuccessful.

Chartering A New Course For Education In Elgin
Elgin Courier News, IL, March 28, 2012

Cambridge Lakes Charter School’s full-day kindergarten program was one of the more “forward-thinking” ideas in its original charter proposal, according to Tom Hay, assistant superintendent for instructional services — teaching and learning in Community Unit School District 300.

Critics Ask How CPS Can Pay For Longer School Day
Chicago Tribune, IL, March 28, 2012

Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s plan for a longer day for Chicago Public Schools students is a done deal, but that didn’t keep critics from speaking out against it at Wednesday’s monthly Board of Education meeting.

Untested Charter Oversight
Fort Wayne Journal Gazette, IN, March 29, 2012

The approval of Fort Wayne’s fifth charter school raises both hopes and concerns for public education in northeast Indiana : hope because the Smith Academy for Excellence, as an all-boys school, is the first area charter offering true innovation; concern because its sponsor has no experience in overseeing a charter school.

Enrollment, Parent Meetings Begin At New Charter
News-Sentinel, IN, March 29, 2012

About six parents came to a meeting Wednesday night at the Fort Wayne Urban League to hear more information about the non-profit’s charter school, Thurgood Marshall Leadership Academy, scheduled to open in the fall.

Just Fund Schools
Wichita Eagle, KS, March 29, 2012

If the Kansas Legislature would do its constitutional duty and suitably fund K-12 education, it wouldn’t need to worry about the courts holding it accountable.
But some lawmakers, particularly House leaders, seem more interested in punishing public schools than in properly funding them.

Education Bills Set To Slide Through Senate
Times Picayune, LA, March 28, 2012

The anchors of Gov. Bobby Jindal’s proposed overhaul of primary and secondary education in Louisiana are set for Senate committee approval Thursday. This would clear the way for the measures to reach the governor’s desk as early as next week.

Panel Backs Term Limits
The Advocate, LA, March 29, 2012

A state House panel endorsed two term-limits measures Wednesday, with one aimed at school board members and the other at statewide elected officials.

On School Reform, Vitter Shouldn’t Throw Stones
Opelousas Daily World, LA, March 29, 2012

It is unfortunate the Louisiana Legislature convened to address critical education legislation during the scheduled workday of educators and many who support their efforts. Consequently, the only recourse available was to take professional leave to address these critical, legitimate concerns outlined in proposed legislation.

State Lawmakers Take Step Toward Replacing MEAP With Online Testing
Detroit Free Press, MI, March 29, 2012

The MEAP exam could disappear sooner than planned. The exam — the Michigan Educational Assessment Program — already was on the way out, to be replaced during the 2014-15 school year by the Smarter Balanced Assessment exam that will be given by nearly 30 states.

Charter Schools Debate Ongoing
Jackson Clarion Ledger, MS, March 29, 2012

Charter schools, an issue that seemed to be soaring through the legislative process when the session began, has hit a rough patch.

KC District Agrees To Sell Two Schools
Kansas City Star, MO, March 28, 2012

Alta Vista Charter School got the deal it wanted from the Kansas City Public Schools on Wednesday night — an agreement for it to buy a closed district building.

Grading Teachers: More Schools Invited to Join Evaluation Pilot
New Jersey Spotlight, NJ, March 29, 2012

Role of student performance tweaked as administration refines, expands new teacher evaluation system

Fisher Charter Friends Rally At DOE In Fight To Stay Open
Times of Trenton, NJ, March 29, 2012

More than 150 students, staff, parents and other supporters of Emily Fisher Charter School held up signs proclaiming “United We Stand, Divided We Fall” and “Closing Our School Is Not the Answer” outside the New Jersey Department of Education offices at River View Plaza yesterday.

Rockaway Charter School Has Admissions Lottery Though Slated To Close
New York Daily News, NY, March 29, 2012

A Rockaway charter school is forging ahead with an admissions lottery for new students — despite a city plan to shutter the struggling elementary school.

The Public Deserves To See Teacher Evaluation Ratings
New York Daily News, NY, March 29, 2012

Gov. Cuomo is starting to go wobbly about public disclosure of teachers’ job performance ratings under the state’s new evaluation system. Buck up, sir.

Principal Named to Children’s Aid Charter
New York Times Schoolbook, NY, March 28, 2012

Ms. Lenard said the school has received more than 300 applications for 120 spots. Now she’s looking for staff. On her must-find list: special teachers.

Pat Mccrory Lays Out Plan To Improve N.C. Schools
News & Observer, NC, March 29, 2012

Republican gubernatorial candidate Pat McCrory Wednesday outlined his plans for improving a public school system that he said was “broken,” including placing more emphasis on vocational training, ending third-grade social promotions and adding a new system of grading schools.

Judge Made Right Choice On School Vouchers
Tulsa World, OK, March 29, 2012

Tulsa County District Judge Rebecca Nightingale took the absolutely correct course of action this week when she struck down a law that permitted state funds to be applied toward private-school tuition for special-needs students.

Phila. School Closings, 2013 Budget Plan On Agenda For SRC Meeting
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, March 29, 2012

The Philadelphia School Reform Commission meeting scheduled for Thursday is shaping up to the most crucial in recent memory, with decisions expected on nine school closings and the introduction of a 2013 budget that could contain a shortfall of up to $400 million.

School-Choice Bill Passes SC House, Senate Outlook Dimmer
The State, SC, March 29, 2012

Measure includes tax breaks for children in private school, families that home-school; it will be a hard sell in Senate

Charter School Appeal Hearing In Jackson April 3
‎WNWS, TN, March 29, 2012

Petitioners say they have a plan to educate approximately 100 children currently attending JMCS under a charter school plan they believe will be attractive to parents. They are hinging their hopes on the strength of their application and a very friendly administration in Nashville that has been very pro-charter school.

State Outlines School Changes
Commercial Appeal, TN, March 29, 2012

Under state Race to the Top legislation passed in 2010, schools performing in the bottom five percent are eligible for the Achievement School District , a state-run district that will operate under its own rules, separate from the local school board.

At-Risk Student School Planned
San Angelo Standard Times, TX, March 28, 2012

Landers and Ledbetter had to resign from the nonprofit school’s board of directors because they have applied for another state charter for San Angelo, to be called Arise Public Schools.

Parents Play the Odds in Harmony Charter School Lottery
YNN Austin, TX, March 28, 2012

Students and parents played the odds Wednesday during a lottery for admission to one of five Harmony Charter Schools in Central Texas .

Community School Caters To Creativity
Spokesman Review, WA, March 29, 2012

Havermale, an alternative high school since the 1980s, had helped struggling students graduate. In the fall of 2010, the school, 1300 W. Knox Ave. , launched a new self-motivated project-based education model. Now known as the Community School , the school offers students an alternative to traditional high school.

If Voters Favor Charter Schools, Why Can’t State Lawmakers?
Seattle Times, WA, March 28, 2012

Washington voters overwhelmingly favor charter schools and other educational options. Guests columnists Robert Enlow and Jonathan Bechtle ask why state legislators can’t listen to their constituents on the way to improve public education.

See Where The School Choice Kids’ Test Scores Are Next Year
Journal Times, WI, March 29, 2012

Anyone working with private school students in this first year of the School Choice program would have predicted the results of the first Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Examinations that were reported in Wednesday’s Journal Times. The state standardized test was administered to students in October and November, weeks after these new students took their place in the participating private schools.


Information Session Set For Thursday About Virtual Charter School In Macon
Macon Telegraph, GA, March 28, 2012

Local students and families can find out more information Thursday about enrolling in a virtual public charter school.

Legal Fight Looms Over Proposed Web-Based Academy In Duval
Florida Times Union, FL, March 28, 2012

The Duval County School Board may take the state Board of Education to court over an online-only charter school’s effort to set up shop in Jacksonville.

Online Learning Brings Choice, And Challenge
Orlando Sentinel, FL, March 29, 2012

No wonder Florida’s Board of Education on Tuesday listened as Florida public-school and college leaders delivered the saving gospel of expanded online learning.

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