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Jeanne Allen: Charter Schools Missing in Berger Education Reform Proposal

April 27, 2012

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
April 27, 2012

Jeanne Allen, Founder and President of The Center for Education Reform, today delivered the keynote address to the North Carolina Public Charter Schools Association. In her remarks she made the following comments about the education reform plan that North Carolina Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger released this week:

“It is encouraging that Mr. Berger is making an effort to promote education reform in North Carolina, and we think his bill takes important steps in the right direction. What is missing, however, is anything that will make it easier for charter schools to open and thrive in the state. North Carolina parents are eager for real choices for children stuck in failing schools. Addressing the challenges facing charter schools in North Carolina could turn a good education reform effort into an excellent one.”

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