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Governor Deal Acts to Improve Educational Opportunities for Georgia's Children

May 3, 2012

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
May 3, 2012

Jeanne Allen, founder and president of the Center for Education Reform, today made the following statement in response to Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s signing of pro-charter school bill:

“We are pleased that Governor Deal has signed legislation that will put the Georgia Charter Schools Constitutional Amendment on the ballot this November. The proposed amendment empowers parents to make the right choices for their children.

“As we have learned in state after state, local school boards are often unwilling to authorize new charter schools. States that permit a number of entities to authorize charter schools have seen growth of high quality charter schools, which means more and better options for families seeking a way of out failing schools. This amendment is a critical step, one that we hope will mark a brighter future for education in Georgia.”

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