Where Do Romney, Obama Stand On Education?
FOX News, September 11, 2012
As Chicago Teachers Strike, Unions At A Crossroad
NPR, September 12, 2012
Unions in Wisconsin challenged Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-union policies and lost, while teachers successfully challenged similar laws in Ohio . But many of these policies are supported by President Obama, Education Secretary Arne Duncan and other Democrats. And the American Federation of Teachers has been walking a fine line between advocating for reform and protecting traditional union positions.
Associated Press, September 12, 2012
States and local governments have the primary responsibility for education in the United States . But the federal government gets a big say, too, by awarding billions in aid, often with strings attached.
Must Teachers and School Officials Be Foes?
New York Times, NY, September 11, 2012
Do relations between teachers and officials need to cool off and become more cooperative, or can needed change come only through confrontation? Do teachers unions promote or inhibit excellence? And do they help retain the best teachers or drive them away?
Parents: Maybe It’s You Who Should Be Striking
CT Post, CT, September 12, 2012
We can fire bad teachers. We can choose not to re-elect ineffective politicians. But change cannot happen if there is no way to help struggling parents or hold apathetic parents accountable for their child’s success. We can no longer afford to keep parents out of the education reform debate.
Education Monopoly Grinds to Halt in Chicago
Appeal Democrat, CA, September 11, 2012
While Lewis makes a valid point, she also unwittingly makes one of our points: More money for teachers has no effect on classroom outcomes. Caught in the middle of this struggle over money and control are Chicago’s nearly 400,000 students, a large percentage of whom live in poverty, in the more dangerous areas of the city. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel characterized the strike as “unnecessary, avoidable and wrong.” He is right.
LAUSD Board Member Zimmer To Revise Charter Schools Proposal After Protests
Daily Breeze, CA, September 12, 2012
Los Angeles Unified board member Steve Zimmer vowed Tuesday to revise his controversial charter schools resolution after nearly a dozen speakers and an overflow crowd voiced strident opposition to his plan to study tougher oversight of the independent campuses and halt approvals of any new schools in the interim.
Charter Campuses Focus of L.A. School-Board Protests
Los Angeles Times Blog, CA, September 11, 2012
About 400 charter school advocates descended on Los Angeles school district headquarters Tuesday to protest a proposed moratorium on new charters. Later, a smaller but equally passionate contingent of parents and teachers from Berendo Middle School arrived to oppose construction of a building to house a charter school on that campus.
L.A. Unified, Union OK System Of Evaluating Principals
Los Angeles Times, CA, September 11, 2012
The one-year agreement allows the use of student achievement as one way of judging administrators.
L.A. Mayor Backs Weighing Student Performance In Evaluating Teacher Quality
CNN, September 12, 2012
School teachers should be held accountable for the performance of their students, the Conference of Mayors said Tuesday, according to the group’s leader.
Denver School Reform Group Wants More Consistent, Better Arts Education
Denver Post, CO, September 12, 2012
Arts instruction is robust in some Denver schools, not so good in others, and opportunities for students to excel in the arts is often a matter of economic status, a new report by A+Denver Schools contends.
Year-Round Charter School May Open
Gainesville Sun, FL, September 11, 2012
A new charter school with year-round classes may open next year in northeast Gainesville .
We’ll Cut Off Our Noses To Spite Our Faces
Columbia County News-Times, GA, September 12, 2012
A Morris News Service analysis surprised me somewhat when it said the charter schools amendment on November’s ballot may be one of the bigger issues boosting voter turnout. The reason it surprises me is that I am certain most citizens have little or no idea what the amendment means, or how it could damage their local schools – yet many will vote for it anyway.
Merit Pay Opinions Mixed
Chicago Tribune, IL, September 12, 2012
Some district that have tried rewarding teachers for student performance have abandoned practice
Mayor’s Plan To Close Schools Fuels Union Fears During Teachers Strike
Chicago Tribune, IL, September 12, 2012
Emanuel’s administration would close 80 to 120 public schools and open many charter schools, sources say
Grading Teachers
Chicago Tribune, IL, September 12, 2012
Are the social factors Lewis named beyond a teacher’s control? Sure. But do any of those mean kids can’t learn, can’t excel at school? Absolutely not.
Can Teachers Strike Over Evaluations? ‘Yes And No,’ Experts Say
Chicago Sun-Times, IL, September 11, 2012
But while teachers and administrators don’t agree on how the evaluations should be done, the two sides couldn’t even agree over whether the teachers could legally walk out based on the issue. Who is right? It depends, independent legal experts contacted Tuesday said.
Charter Schools Open During Strike
WTTW, IL, September 11, 2012
While the Chicago teachers’ strike continues into a second day, some 52,000 students are going about their normal, daily routines. These students are served by the 119 charter schools in Chicago . And although 10 of these campuses are unionized, with union officials representing teachers in negotiations with school management, they are non-CTU.
Chicago Teachers’ Folly
New York Times, NY, September 12, 2012
Teachers’ strikes, because they hurt children and their families, are never a good idea. The strike that has roiled the civic climate in Chicago — and left 350,000 children without classes — seems particularly senseless because it is partly a product of a personality clash between the blunt mayor, Rahm Emanuel, and the tough Chicago Teachers Union president, Karen Lewis.
Chicago’s Striking Teachers Flunk Sympathy Test
USA Today, September 12, 2012
In the latest tiff between public-employee unions and cash-strapped governments, more than 350,000 Chicago children were shut out of classrooms for a second day Tuesday by striking teachers pursuing goals that are out of step with reality.
Randi Weingarten: Treat Teachers As Equal Partners
USA Today, September 12, 2012
I’ve spent a lot of time talking to Chicago ‘s teachers. What they want more than anything are the tools and conditions to do their jobs and help all students succeed.
Taking Rahm to School
Washington Times, DC, September 11, 2012
Thousands of Chicago public-school teachers have taken to the streets in their first strike in 25 years. Usually Republicans are the ones being denounced by Big Labor for having the temerity to insist on fiscal responsibility in public-sector union deals. This time, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, of impeccable Obama-era liberal Democratic credentials, is the one facing the chanting mobs and bongo drums. It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
EVSC, Other Schools Launch Ad Campaigns To Tout Benefits Of Public Education
Evansville Courier Press, IN, September 11, 2012
Employing a marketing strategy to promote the school district is something new to the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp., but it is among a growing number of Indiana public school districts that are advertising in newspapers, on bus stop benches and billboards and on the radio.
Local Schools Grappling With New Teacher Evaluations
Pharos-Tribune, IN, September 12, 2012
New state teacher evaluation rules go into effect this school year, but local school corporations can hold off on tying those evaluations to teacher pay.
Tougher Standards for La. Nonpublic Schools Coming
Alexandria Town Talk, LA, September 12, 2012
Nonpublic schools soon could have to show more proof that they offer quality education if they want state approval to receive funds and accept vouchers.
Vouchers Will Affect St. Tammany Public Schools’ Budget
St. Tammany New- Banner, LA, September 12, 2012
The new scholarship, or voucher program, that began in St. Tammany Parish this year, may effect the St. Tammany Parish School System budget by as much as half a million dollars.
Baltimore City Schoolchildren Deserve A Real Choice
Baltimore Sun, MD, September 11, 2012
“Greetings from Maryland , home of the number one public school system in America for four years in a row!” That is how Gov. Martin O’Malley opened his speech at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte , N.C., last week to a roar of applause.
NJ Schools Prepare to Implement New Teacher Evaluations
New Jersey Spotlight, NJ, September 12, 2012
With teacher’s tenure now tied to the evaluations, state sets deadlines for districts to decide on the process and performance models
New School Year, New Evaluations in Denville, Rockaway
Denville Community News, NJ, September 12, 2012
January may have New Year’s Day, but for many, September signals the true beginning of the year as schools open once again and summer vacation becomes just a fond memory.
Durham County Oks Tax-Exempt Financing For Charter School
News & Observer, NC, September 11, 2012
Durham County commissioners unanimously supported a charter school’s request to receive up to $17 million in tax-exempt financing for expansion and equipment.
Audit Flags Ethics Questions At Charter School
Cincinnati Enquirer, OH, September 11, 2012
A local charter school overpaid an employee $3,333 and committed possible ethics violations, according to the Ohio Auditor’s Office.
Four School Workers Lose Jobs, Licenses
Columbus Dispatch, OH, September 11, 2012
A second charter-school treasurer has been permanently banned from working in schools because the state says he didn’t prevent the misspending of more than $600,000 in public money.
State Raises Third-Graders’ Reading Bar
Columbus Dispatch, OH, September 12, 2012
As many as 10,000 third-graders could be held back next school year if they fall short of new cut scores set yesterday by the state Board of Education on the state reading test.
Q&A Sessions With School Leaders Would Serve Oklahoma City District Well
The Oklahoman, OK, September 12, 2012
FOR three hours on a recent Monday night, members of the Oklahoma City School Board listened and asked questions about the operations and academic achievement of the charter schools in the district.
Alternative Schools Get Low Grades
Mail Tribune, OR, September 12, 2012
Students in Jackson County’s alternative high schools are failing to achieve at a rate that leaves their schools dead last among all schools in Jackson County, according to data released this week by the Oregon Department of Education.
District Reports Recommend Against Renewing 2 Charters
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, September 12, 2012
Philadelphia school district officials recommended against renewals for two charter schools founded by Dorothy June Brown before a federal grand jury in July indicted her and four administrators for fraud.
Should Move Principals When They Can’t Do Job
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA, September 12, 2012
It’s a shame that it took federal action before four Camden principals whose schools are failing could be removed.
Lower Test Scores Follow Drastic Cuts in Bethlehem
The Morning Call, PA, September 11, 2012
Students entered the 2011-12 school year with dozens fewer teachers, fewer tutoring hours at elementary schools, less personalized instruction in middle schools and reduced access to high school after-school activities in the Bethlehem Area School District .
Scranton Schools Under Investigation For Fixing Test Scores
Scranton Citizen Voice, PA, September 12, 2012
The Scranton School District is under investigation for manipulation of standardized tests, including the possibility of teachers or administrators changing answers on bubble sheets.
Metro Defies State, Denies Great Hearts
The Tennessean, TN, September 11, 2012
In a surprise move, the Metro Nashville school board defied the state’s education power structure Tuesday and denied a controversial charter school for Nashville’s West Side over concerns that it would cater mainly to wealthy, white families.
Unions’ Money Opposes Charter Schools, While Charter Proponents Include Wealthy Donors
The News Tribune Blog , WA, September 11, 2012
Two unions are the biggest donors to People for Our Public Schools, a committee formed to oppose Washington’s charter school initiative, I-1240, according to reports from the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC). The initiative appears on the November ballot.
I-1240: An Essential Escape Route From Failing Schools
News Tribune, WA, September 12, 2012
We’ll let Initiative 1240 speak for itself. The measure would authorize the creation of up to 40 charter schools, public schools freed from many bureaucratic regulations. They are commonly launched and governed by teachers and parents who believe their local schools are failing their students.
Our Schools Will See Huge Changes
Wausau Daily Herald, WI, September 12, 2012
But here’s the truth: The fights and protests are largely finished here, but the real changes, especially in the way we track education data, are just beginning. Wisconsin is entering a period of seismic change in education, and students, parents and taxpayers all will feel the difference.
Online Education Company With Ties To Maine Under Investigation In Florida
Bangor Daily News, ME, September 11, 2012
As Maine moves forward with exploration of virtual charter schools and greater use of digital learning, K12, an online education company that was in line to provide curriculum for a Maine virtual charter school until it withdrew its application, is under investigation in Florida .
Easton Area Unveils Cyber School Plan
The Morning Call, PA, September 11, 2012
Easton Area School District students may soon be able to take cyber classes but still participate in extracurricular activities and graduate with their classmates.
RHS Plans To Add Online Academy
Palladium-Item, IN, September 11, 2012
Richmond High School students soon can earn credits toward their high school diploma over the Internet.
Partnership Expands Online Education
Wausau Daily Herald, WI, September 12, 2012
An online school based in Tomahawk is playing a key role in a new partnership designed to expand the digital learning opportunities for students across the state.
Hudson Isd Embracing A New Vision
Lufkin Daily News, TX, September 12, 2012
Hudson ISD has embraced a “New Vision” for the district. This vision will focus on five key goals: digital learning, 21st century learning standards (academic and career), multiple forms of assessment, accountability that is not focused on one state test, and transforming our school into a 21st century learning organization.