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The VP Debate

The VP Debate: Another Good Night for Ed Reform?
Last week’s Presidential debate was a pleasant surprise from the perspective of this veteran education reformer accustomed to sitting through years of debates, listening to candidates talk about important issues like the economy, jobs, and national security with a barely a mention of the building block for the solution to all of those problems – EDUCATION.

President Obama and Governor Romney proactively peppered comments on education throughout their discussions, giving the American people a pretty good idea of their different positions on the topic. As we look forward to tonight’s Vice Presidential debate, I hope that Vice President Biden and Congressman Ryan follow the lead and make education a major topic in the debate. I want to hear more about the two tickets’ vision for education in this country. Read More…

Read up before you view the debate with these additional resources:
Questions for Biden and Ryan about money following the child, NCLB, class size, differences between Romney and Obama on education issues, Race to the Top, and teachers & their unions, as well as some additional information that might provide context for debate viewers in the event these questions are raised.

Paul Ryan: Education Pioneer
Romney’s VP pick Paul Ryan staffed the committee that evaluated options for the District of Columbia before school choice and charters were even a glimmer in their eyes, and was instrumental in influencing his later colleagues in Congress to promote reform throughout numerous vehicles.

Step One: Spot the Real Reformer
Politicians love to say the word “education,” but when it comes to actually doing something about it, outside forces must do the pushing.

Post-Debate Reactions and Commentary:

Experts’ views about Obama and Romney on Education
CER President Jeanne Allen, along with others in the education reform arena, comments on the policies and positions of the presidential candidates.

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