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Push by D.C. Teachers Union Sign of Worsening Environment for Charters

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
November 15, 2012

Center for Education Reform Founder and President Jeanne Allen provided the following statement on the announcement by D.C. teachers unions that they would press to unionize charter school teachers.

“Washington, D.C. has traditionally provided the fertile ground charter schools need to thrive, but the push by the D.C. teachers unions is another ominous sign that D.C. is becoming a less hospitable environment for charters. A fundamental reason for charters succeeding where traditional schools have failed is the freedom from onerous union restrictions.

“This announcement followed closely on the heels of news that D.C. Public Schools would close 20 public schools without giving them a surplus designation. The school system would be able to allow the buildings to decay rather than allowing charters to open, despite a law that says that charter schools should receive equal operational dollars and equity in facilities.

“The forces arraying against charter schools are not strong enough to thwart the will of parents, who insist on better choices for their children. But it’s a shame there must always be a fight.”

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