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Daily Headlines for July 25, 2013

July 26, 2013

NEWSWIRE IS BACK! Click here for the latest weekly report on education news and commentary you won’t find anywhere else, spiced with a dash of irreverence, from the nation’s leading voice in school reform.


State education officials: ‘We’re sticking with Common Core’
Washington Post, July 24, 2013
Most state officials responsible for implementing the new K-12 standards are confident that their states will stick with the program.



California seeing shortage of special ed teachers
ABC San Francisco, July 25, 2013
There’s a big divide in the Bay area and throughout California that the state can’t quite figure out how to bridge. Schools keep getting more special needs students, less certified teachers.


Denver Public Schools gets $10 million grant from the Gates Foundation
Denver Post, July 25, 2013
Denver Public Schools will receive $10 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to bolster its teacher evaluation system.

Colorado lands $15 million from Feds for early childhood education
Denver Post, July 24, 2013
$15 million in federal funding in early childhood education.


Report: Fewer DC charter schools have financial problems
Washington Post, July 24, 2013
District charter schools had fewer financial problems in FY 2012 compared to year before.

A Visionary’s final ideas on fixing high schools?
Washington Post, July 24, 2013
When Theodore Sizer, known to friends and admirers as Ted, died of colon cancer in 2009…we lost the nation’s leading scholar on high schools and one of the best education writers.

Baker taking applications for vacant seat on Board of Education
Washington Post, July 24, 2013
Prince George’s County executive is accepting applications to fill a seat on the Board of Education.


Miami-Dade faces tough decisions on ‘teacher’ raises
Miami Herald, July 24, 2013
For months, Florida teachers have been hearing they would receive $2,500 raises in the coming school year, Gov. Scott made it a priority.


Cobb school board approves digital math book purchase
Atlanta Journal Constitution, July 24, 2013
Cobb’s school board decided Wednesday to purchase $2.9 million worth of electronic math textbooks for its middle and high school students.

Judge: Don’t reinstate 2 suspended from DeKalb school board
Atlanta Journal Constitution, July 24, 2013
Process for removing school board members took significant step after judge believed 2 board members failed to make case for reinstatement.


CPS Budget: Classroom spending to be cut by $68 million
Chicago Sun-Times, July 24, 2013
CPS plans to slash total classroom spending by $68 million.


Portland board OKs second vote on school spending
Portland Press Herald, July 24, 2013
The Portland School Board voted unanimously Tuesday night to recommend the City Council approve a second referendum on the school budget.


Education leaders call for moratorium on testing
Baltimore Sun, July 24, 2013
A number of education leaders are calling for a moratorium on annual student assessments until Maryland switches to tests that match a new curriculum being implemented this year.

Editorial: For teachers and students, a path to higher achievement
Detroit Free Press, July 25, 2013
If you think running under-performing teachers out of Michigan classrooms is the surest way route to improving education, you’ll be disappointed by the proporsal unveiled this week.


District keeping focus on improving tech ability
Daily Journal, July 24, 2013
The city’s school district aims to be a leader when it comes to technology in the region and beyond.


CMS teacher assistants face cuts in hours, pay
Charlotte Observer, July 24, 2013
Hundreds of Charlotte Mecklenburg schools assistants will work shorter schedules and take pay cuts to avoid layoffs in the wake of state budget cuts.

APS Volunteers can apply online
Albuquerque Journal, July 25, 2013
APS has made it easier for parents and other willing volunteers to help out in their schools, by moving the application process online.

SC Dropout rate declines for fourth straight year
Charlotte Observer, July 24, 2013
SC’s dropout rate declined for fourth straight year, as hundreds fewer students quit their schooling during 2011-12.

State budget wins final legislative approval
News & Observer, July 24, 2013
House and Senate gave final approval to $20.6 billion budget Wednesday.

House votes down bill giving ownership of Wake schools to county commissioners
News & Observer, July 24, 2013
Wake county real estate portfolio will remain under control of local school board.


Teachers’ pension fund acting illegally, lawmaker alleges
Columbus Dispatch, July 25, 2013
Leaders of State Teachers Retirement System denied yesterday that pension fund is engaging in illegal activity.


Blog: Growing collation pushes for new kind of Philly teachers’ contract
Philly Inquirer, The Notebook, July 24, 2013
A group is calling on the Philadelphia school district to look at dollars and cents in next teachers’ contract and selecting teachers not just based on seniority.

Knox plan: Put health clinics in schools
Philadelphia Inquirer, PA
July 25, 2013
Political and insurance industry veteran Tom Knox proposes walk-in health clinics in traditional public and charter schools.

Threat of strike looming in Shaler area
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 25, 2013
It has been hard work between school officials and teachers union negotiating a contract before start of school year on Sept. 3.

Pittsburgh Public Schools grants charter to school in Hill district
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 24, 2013
After failing to approve the proposal last month, the board of Pittsburgh Public Schools granted a charter to the Hill House Passport Academy Charter school.


Parents question Nashville schools’ balanced calendar
The Tennessean, July 25, 2013
Crowd at meeting mostly opposed to calendar, wants return to traditional school year.

Planting seeds of science at school
Seattle Times, July 24, 2013
UW scientist tries to make learning about science appealing and effective for high school students.


Baldwin County’s virtual high school will expand options for learning, experts say, July 24, 2013
As Baldwin county school officials consider creating a standalone virtual high school, leaders from other school systems say online classes are a worthy enhancement to their curricula and likely to expand.

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