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School Choice Today: Voucher Laws Across the States

Press Release

Out of 14 states and the District of Columbia that have voucher programs, three earn A’s, three earn B’s, seven earn C’s, and two earn D’s on a new ranking and analysis from the Center for Education Reform (CER), School Choice Today: Voucher Laws Across the States Ranking & Scorecard 2014 released today.

The first of its kind, the Voucher Laws Across the States Ranking & Scorecard 2014 is an in-depth analysis and state-by-state comparison of the over two-dozen voucher programs currently in existence today.

Click here to read the School Choice Today: Voucher Laws Across the States Rankings & Scorecard 2014 report

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Click here for the Voucher Laws Across the States Rankings And Scorecard 2014 chart

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