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New study reveals woeful state of American civic education

January 19, 2016

by Victor Skinner
January 14, 2016
EAG News

A survey of recent U.S. college graduates shows nearly 10 percent think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court.

Nearly 60 percent of those surveyed didn’t know how the Constitution is amended, and almost 40 percent didn’t know Congress can declare war. More than 60 percent of those polled also thought Thomas Jefferson – not James Madison – is the “Father of the Constitution,” the American Council of Trustees and Alumni report.

“Many of the figures may actually understate how poorly our colleges are doing because older respondents performed significantly better than younger ones,” according to a report released by the group this week titled “A Crisis in Civic Education.”

Read the rest of the article here. 


Nation’s Report Card Indicates Less Than 30 Percent of U.S. Students Proficient In History, Geography, Civics

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