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CER CEO Jeanne Allen President-Elect: Advance Opportunity & Innovation

November 9, 2016

Statement by CER Founder & CEO Jeanne Allen on the Presidential Election

November 9, 2016

Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of The Center for Education Reform (CER), today congratulated Donald Trump on his victory and called on the president-elect to unite the nation’s families and communities around improving education through innovation and opportunity.

“On behalf of the millions of people we represent who are working across the nation to bring excellence in education to all students and learners at every level, we offer the new President our support and counsel to help advance dramatic change in education throughout America.

“For the last 23 years the Center has pursued its mission faithfully, regardless of the political composition of our elected officials. Our work spans three presidential administrations and we have seen governors and legislators through dozens of terms. No matter what the differences in the viewpoints of our elected officials, our commitment to expanding opportunity has never changed or constricted – nor will it now.

“Our hope is that in the coming days President-elect Trump and his transition advisors will consider all good ideas and begin to learn from the myriad people working throughout the nation who are transforming their schools and communities.

“President-elect Trump – We believe there is much you can do to address the hopes and dreams of all who elected you. We hope you will embrace innovation, applaud and incentivize ambitious state efforts to create opportunity for all learners at all levels, reject the status quo and think hard about all those you appoint to support you and the needs of citizens everywhere.

“We will provide concrete recommendations for you to consider in the days and weeks ahead. Until then, congratulations. And welcome to Washington.”

About the Center for Education Reform

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that the conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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