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Now That's What CER Calls Innovation and Opportunity, 2016

December 21, 2016

Throughout 2016, the Center for Education Reform reenvisioned its focus and mission and began the important work of reframing the debate about education in America. No longer content just to reform education, CER is now dedicated to expanding educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans.

Thus, we are melding the power of innovation not present when we first helped start the modern EdReform movement, with the importance of opportunity as the lever by which all may participate in the American Dream.

Now That’s What CER Calls Innovation and Opportunity, 2016 offers just a few highlights of our impactful year. But we cannot – and will not – stop here. Just as the “Now That’s What I Call Music!” album series is never-ending, the education landscape needs our never-ending and relentless dedication and focus on innovation and opportunity.

Feel free to download a PDF of the report.

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