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Ode to be Back at ASU+GSV Summit

June 11, 2021

Ode to be Back at ASU+GSV Summit
Jeanne Allen, Founder & CEO, the Center for Education Reform

I’m not too proud
I’ll say it out loud
I miss GSV
And ASU, too.

Deborah, the Michaels, Kerry and crew
Julia, John and Jesse – without you I’m blue!

For a few days a year
They make things shine
As does Phil Regier
Especially after wine!

So let’s take off the masks, literal and not,
Our kids need our help
They’re in a terrible spot.

Whose got the best ideas now?
Can we close the gap soon?
Does tech work for all
Or only the few?

Where’s your focus, on pre-K, 12 or past?
Can you scale? Will your ideas last?

So let’s unite out west
To carry on our quest.

Meet me in the Grand Hyatt hall?
It’s so much better than a Zoom call!

“What are you doing this year?” we’d all share.
How we laugh at those who seemingly don’t care!

In the end we leave knowing we’re better than before.
Resolved to do better, improve and broaden our shore.

So do me a favor, get on a plane!
Bring your sweats, your t-shirts, and even your weight gain.

It doesn’t matter, we can do anything now.
WE ARE FAMILY… until then, Ciao!

Register for the ASU+GSV Summit today!

Use code ‘CERfamily‘ (applied at the end of the registration process) to get the special CER Discount rate!


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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