In its latest installment of state-level charter school achievement research, CREDO found charter school students in Louisiana acquire on average 50 more days of learning in reading and 65 more in math than their traditional school counterparts.
The study separately analyzed New Orleans students – where the majority of Louisiana’s charter students are located– concluding that over a six-year period, charter students gained four months more learning in reading and five more in math.
Findings also suggest that charter school students displayed learning gains regardless of whether or not they attended a school under the auspices of a Charter Management Organization, or CMO.
Similar to other CREDO studies, these results were based on using a VCR, or “virtual twin,” for each charter school student as a way to compare the academic performances of students in charter and traditional public schools.
For more information on CER’s long history of analyzing CREDO’s research, including our continued concerns with their methodology, which they use in this report, please go here .