Obama Prepares to Revamp ‘No Child Left Behind’
Washington Post, DC, September 21, 2011
President Obama is poised to broaden federal influence in local schools by scrapping key elements of No Child Left Behind, the Bush administration’s signature education law, and substituting his own brand of school reform.
Educational System Collapsing Under Pretext of ‘Reform’
The Tennessean, TN, September 22, 2011
The sad truth is that it is no longer about “education” for our children; it is all about self-serving quota, statistics and avoiding the real issues at hand.
The Best Ideas For Fixing K-12 Education
Forbes, September 21, 2011
More than 1.2 million students drop out of school every year in the U.S. American children rank 31st in math among 65 industrialized countries. Sixty-eight percent of eighth graders can’t read at grade level, and most will never catch up. We asked billionaires on The Forbes 400 list, as well as our own contributors, for their best ideas for fixing K-12 education in the U.S.
Grading the GOP Candidates on Education
TIME, September 22, 2011
Given how preoccupied everyone is with the economy, education is even less of an issue in this presidential campaign than usual.
Plan To Convert Novato School To Charter Falls Flat
Marin Independent Journal, CA, September 21, 2011
A campaign to turn Novato’s highest-performing elementary school into a charter school appears to have stalled – at least for the time being.
Performance Pay Program Working, Eagle County School District Says
Vail Daily, CO, September 21, 2011
The school district spent almost $745,000 in performance bonuses last year to reward employees under the district’s performance pay program.
Education Finance Commission Finally Forming
Washington Post Blog, DC, September 21, 2011
Many public charter leaders have long asserted that their sector is shortchanged because charter schools must dip into the per pupil kitty to pay for services– such as legal and maintenance costs –that are covered through a separate funding stream at the DCPS schools.
Ipads Herald Changes At Hillsborough Boys School
Tampa Tribune, FL, September 21, 2011
Parents were eager this spring to sign up their children for the new single gender schools, one at Franklin and the other at the former Ferrell Middle Magnet School, now known as Ferrell Girls Preparatory Academy. Nearly 1,200 students applied for the 600 openings, 300 at each location, school choice officials said.
West Lafayette Schools To Test Merit Pay System
Journal and Courier, IN, September 22, 2011
More than 85 percent of West Lafayette staff members have voted to move forward with the pilot testing of the district’s teacher evaluation model.
Imagine Uses New Way To Rate Success
The Journal Gazette, IN, September 22, 2011
The Imagine MASTer Academy school board voted unanimously Wednesday to adopt a new way of measuring success at the Wells Street charter school.
Local Schools Share In Statewide MCAS Gains
Salam New, MA, September 22, 2011
Congratulations to students and teachers at Beverly High School, North Shore Regional Technical High School and Salem Academy Charter School for leading the region in terms of their achievement on the latest MCAS exams.
IPS Layoffs To Be Based On Performance, Not Seniority
WTHR 13, MI, Sept 21, 2011
Next year, when the state takes over Emma Donnan Middle School and three high schools, there will be hundreds of unneeded teachers and administrators. IPS will send layoff notices to all the district’s middle and high school educators, vowing to keep only the best.
Black River Public School Administrator Shannon Brunink Testifies in Lansing to Support Expansion
Holland Sentinel, MI, September 21, 2011
Black River Public School Academy Head of School Shannon Brunink testified Wednesday before the state Senate Education Committee in Lansing in support of legislation that would allow charter schools to expand.
Charter School Students, Administrators Testify In Favor Of Lifting Cap
Grand Rapids Press, MI, September 21, 2011
Charter school administrators and students from Holland and Kentwood today testified before the Senate Education Committee in favor legislation to remove the charter cap.
Parents Look for a Way Out of Kansas City School District
Kansas City Star, MO, September 22, 2011
While many in the crowd joined in support, it was apparent by the number of questions about a chance to change districts that many parents also are eyeing a way out.
Stick With Good Plan To Improve KC Schools
Kansas City Star, MO, September 22, 2011
The Kansas City School District is the same today as it was on Tuesday, before the Missouri State Board of Education voted unanimously to revoke its accreditation. It is a struggling urban system with a troubled history but also a sound plan for moving forward.
Why Parents Want Failing Charter Schools
KPLR11, MO, September 21, 2011
Occasionally in the news business, man does bite dog. Take the other day when Mayor Francis Slay came out swinging against the Imagine Charter School Company.
Clearing The Air On The Charter Law
Herald News, NJ, September 22, 2011
New Jersey’s embrace of charter schools over the past 15 years has been lukewarm at best. The original law, of which I was a prime sponsor, was signed in January 1996 and envisioned a fairly robust demand. In anticipation of that, the law placed a cap of 135 charter schools for the first four years.
‘Dis-Enrollment’ Shows Need for Quality Education
Delaware County Daily Times, PA, September 21, 2011
Considering their struggle to balance the budget, it is no surprise school board members have insisted Upper Darby school officials take a serious look at another possible cost-saving measure, that is, the ousting of students who do not live in the school district.
Teachers and Tenure
Salt Lake Tribune, UT, September 22, 2011
We teachers dedicate our time and expertise, well beyond paid contract time, to provide a high-quality education. In return, we expect a basic level of respect from the public we serve.
Gregoire Praises Tacoma School Deal; Teachers Vote At Noon
News Tribune, WA, September 22, 2011
Tacoma teachers will vote midday today on a tentative agreement reached by negotiators for the teachers union and the school district in Gov. Chris Gregoire’s office Wednesday.
State Officials Call Oshkosh Charter School A Model For Other Districts
The Northwestern, WI, September 22, 2011
An Oshkosh charter school has received statewide praise for its innovative teaching methods, student achievement and data-driven accountability.
Proposed Wisconsin Senate Bill Takes School Vouchers Off Table In Green Bay
Green Bay Press-Gazette, WI, September 22, 2011
Wisconsin lawmakers will soon consider a bill that would eliminate school vouchers for Green Bay.
Virtual School in the Works in Framingham
Metro West Daily News, MA, September 22, 2011
A proposed virtual school in Framingham would make the town among the first in the state to embrace the new online learning trend.
Schools Superintendent Pushes Anti-Dropout Effort Across State
The Missoulian, MT, September 21, 2011
Students have also been recovering credits through the new Aventa Learning online program and the online-only Montana Digital Academy, said Apostle.
LASD Rolls Out Khan To More Than 1,000 Students
Los Altos Town Crier, CA, September 21, 2011
Khan Academy, an online resource, enables teachers to individualize students’ math learning through instructional vid
eos, assessment exercises and dashboards posting progress. Although the program is free, the Los Altos School District is the only district that has invested a full year determining how best to incorporate the program in its curriculum.