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We Think Our Work is the Most Important Thing on Earth – But Don’t Take Our Word for It!

See what others are saying about The Center for Education Reform’s impact in helping all children have access to excellent education options


Seth Andrew, Founder, Democracy Prep Public Schools and longtime education reformer, discusses CER’s important role to play in EdReform across the nation as well as his work with CER to build Democracy Prep.


Dr. Howard Fuller, a Distinguished Professor of Education, and Founder/Director of the Institute for the Transformation of Learning at Marquette University, on the urgency for national education reforms and CER’s important role.

Sally Perz, President of Cardinal Learning and former Ohio House Representative, discusses importance of helping the parents and community leaders on the ground, fight the fight.


Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida and Founder of Foundation for Excellence in Education says CER has always been a place to go for the best information and strategy around education reform.


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