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Call for submissions and debate participants

As you can tell, we here at Edspresso want to hear lots of different voices.  We’ve set up a Featured Commentary section for precisely that purpose.  And if you haven’t checked out the Debate section lately, you should see Neal and Mike go at it–the carnage has been pretty intense, and we’ve got another day to go! 

But we want more–lots more.  To that end, here’s what’s going on:

  • We’d like to see increased activity in our comment threads.  So we took the plunge and removed mandatory Typekey registration.  Posting is still delayed, but we figure that’s enough security to screen comments for Viagra and online pr0n. 
  • In case you can’t tell, the site layout and architecture are still being tweaked.  Expect occasional changes to the sidebar. 
  • Next week’s debate is between edusphere luminary Joanne Jacobs and Susanna Cooper of Preschool California to discuss–what else?–universal preschool!  If it’s half as interesting as the ongoing fistfight amiable discussion between Neal and Mike, we expect a good ol’ time. 
  • There’s more good stuff to come from our guest contributors.  And, of course, there’s no shortage of writing talent across the edusphere, so our ongoing searches are yielding excellent results. 

But we’re always interested in more content.  And we want to line up more debates–while we’ve got several in the planning stage, no debates are scheduled past next week.

So what do you want to write about?  Are you interested in participating in a debate?  Or is there something you would like to hear more about?  Drop us a line at editorREMOVETHIS at edspresso dot com, and we’ll talk.