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Education News for Monday, May 22

News Clips


Eugene Hickock: More children left behind – Imagine being the parent of a child enrolled in a school that isn’t working. You can’t send him to a private school because you can’t afford it, nor to another public school because there’s no room. (more)

Few takers for vouchers – Ohio: Few public-school students have signed up for the state to pay their way to a private school this fall, and time is running out. (more)

185 failing Chicago schools to undergo $5 million in changes – Up to a third of Chicago’s public schools are supposed to undergo radical "restructuring" this fall after being branded as chronic failures by the federal No Child Left Behind law. (more)

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FL teachers say testing undervalues them – Keying teacher pay to student outcomes – the method usually proposed for measuring a teacher’s value – seems about as fair as ranking a dentist’s performance on how many cavities he fills in a year. (more)


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