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Online Learning Success in South Dakota

Online Learning


The South Dakota Virtual School and South Dakota MyLife are two online programs helping Mount Rushmore state students “increase the rigor and relevance of their high school education.”

The State Board of Education got an update on these two programs, finding out that 2,900 students in grades 6-12 logged 3,822 class registrations for the South Dakota Virtual School. The number of school districts and school systems using the virtual school for students to take full-time or part-time classes is up from three years ago. Use of the South Dakota MyLife program, created 4 years ago to help students map out their academic goals and prepare for life after high school, has also steadily increased.

Perhaps the rural nature of some of the school districts in South Dakota has played a role in the boost of digital options. Using technology to expand options helps students in smaller districts because it allows for access to highly specialized subject matter that might not be offered otherwise.

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