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October 22, 2013
The Center for Education Reform 20th Anniversary Gala by Mark Lerner October 11, 2013 My wife Michele and I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Center for Education Reform’s 20th anniversary Gala and Awards Show Wednesday evening. The Washington Hilton ballroom was filled with a who’s who of education reformers on both the local […] Read more »
October 22, 2013
School Choice Does Work, is Constitutional By Richard Komer October 18, 2013 Zelman v. Simmons-Harris in 2002 was of one of the most important U.S. Supreme Court decisions since Brown vs. Board of Education. In Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, the court upheld the constitutionality of a school choice program in Cleveland for low-income children long […] Read more »
July 26, 2013
“Launching charter school in Miss. a grueling process” by Ruth Ingram Courier-Post July 6, 2013 The first public charter school in Mississippi could open in less than two years. But those who want to found one face a grueling process to put together a serious application that must win approval from a seven-member state board […] Read more »
July 26, 2013
New Mexico Connections Academy, the state’s second virtual-learning charter school, is opening next month and already about 300 students from around the state have enrolled. Read more »
May 17, 2013
The bill would update rules on the renewal, expansion and revocation of charters, raising the current cap of 215 charters that can be authorized at any one time by allowing an additional 10 per year up to a total of 275 by 2019. Read more »
April 18, 2013
The legislation passed allows up to 15 charter schools a year to start in low-performing, D- and F-rated districts, without local school board approval. Read more »
April 12, 2013
A state Senate committee on Thursday approved a high-profile school voucher plan, sending it to the full chamber for what could be a fierce floor fight. Read more »
April 11, 2013
Parents at 24th Street Elementary School have overwhelmingly chosen a partnership between the Los Angeles Unified School District and a charter school to run the persistently low-performing Jefferson Park campus. Read more »
March 26, 2013
The Indiana Supreme Court unanimously rules that the state's voucher program, also known as the choice scholarship program, does not violate Indiana's constitution. Read more »
March 19, 2013
Attorneys on both sides of the debate over using public funds to pay for students to attend private schools are honing their arguments for a showdown today with oral arguments before the Louisiana Supreme Court. Read more »