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January 4, 2013
Lawmakers will gavel in the 2013 legislative session this Tuesday, and the debate over charter schools is likely to be one of the hottest issues of the session. Read more »
January 2, 2013
One out of every five Arizona students in public schools becomes eligible today to apply for public money to attend private schools this fall under an expansion of Empowerment Scholarship Accounts, a controversial voucher-type program. Read more »
December 27, 2012
After years of struggles, Frederick Classical Charter School hopes to open next year. Read more »
December 18, 2012
A district judge did not rule all of Gov. Bobby Jindal's reform package unconstitutional, only the portion dealing with school superintendents assuming duties that have been delegated to school boards. Read more »
December 10, 2012
Clark County school officials want to make charter funding and facility rules more equitable, and make access to online classes easier for students. Read more »
December 7, 2012
A proposal before the state board would ease alternate certification rules for charter school teachers. “The rationale is increasing flexibility and autonomy in exchange for increased accountability,” Read more »
November 30, 2012
First of a two-part series about Maui's Kihei Charter School that explores the history, growth, and success of a school that ranks near the top of all Hawaii schools in reading and math. Read more »
November 28, 2012
Multiple teachers associations and school boards are challenging the constitutionality of changes made this year to the state's voucher program and teacher hiring rules. Read more »
November 21, 2012
The Indiana Supreme Court will hear arguments challenging the constitutionality of the state's rapidly expanding voucher program that the teachers union is aiming to shut down. Read more »
November 20, 2012
In a move that could trigger legal challenges, the Philadelphia School Reform Commission votes to suspend part of state law to control charter-school growth. Read more »