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October 9, 2012
Georgia charter amendment supporters upset over school districts using tax money and students to get their anti-amendment message across. Read more »
October 8, 2012
Samuel Casey Carter will become the first chief executive of the new foundation that is running high schools and special education schools for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Read more »
October 1, 2012
A special commission is about to begin drafting its final recommendations on how a Tennessee school-voucher program would operate. Read more »
September 27, 2012
The nonprofit PTA sued for-profit rival PTO on Wednesday, accusing it of denigrating the established group in a bid to siphon off members. Read more »
September 26, 2012
A tentative contract between the Chicago Teachers Union and CPS brings closure on legal battles filed by both sides during the seven-day strike. Read more »
September 26, 2012
The presidential candidates offered clashing views on education, particularly on teacher unions. Read more »
September 26, 2012
The New Hampshire charter school moratorium could be lifted as soon as November if legislative budget writers approve an additional $5 million. Read more »
September 18, 2012
Chicago district files suit on grounds that teachers can't strike over noneconomic issues, but judge delays ruling until Wednesday to review facts. Read more »
September 18, 2012
The Tennessee Department of Education will withhold $3.4 million from Nashville public schools “as a consequence of the district’s refusal to follow state law.” Read more »
September 18, 2012
Districts’ teacher evaluation plans are taking NY officials longer than anticipated to review. Read more »