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July 16, 2012
Louisiana Judge lets voucher program stand, but the voucher program still awaits trail regarding its constitutionality. Read more »
July 12, 2012
Debate surrounding what would be New Jersey's first online charter schools heightens as decision time draws near. Read more »
July 12, 2012
Demand for school choice in Louisiana is higher than officials anticipated. Read more »
June 27, 2012
Waiting lists for the city's charter schools are running a total 17,396 names deep, according to the D.C. Public Charter School Board. Read more »
June 19, 2012
Sen. Joseph Lieberman and House Speaker John Boehner say they intend to restore funding for a DC school voucher program that President Obama wants to cut. Read more »
June 6, 2012
Bill that would allow parents or teachers to prompt school turnarounds passes with a 20-18 vote. Read more »
June 5, 2012
House will now address legislation that changes tenure rules and requires districts to fashion their own merit pay programs. Read more »
May 21, 2012
Budget cuts are forcing school districts to make layoff decisions that are driving out new, successful teachers. Read more »
May 17, 2012
First ivy league partnership for nationally known charter school network's college-bound program. Read more »
May 10, 2012
Poll reveals majority of moms think choices should be available for all families. Read more »