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November 6, 2017
Washington, D.C. – Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform released the following statement regarding the proposed Federal Tax Reform Package: As part of tax reform, there is an urgent need to ensure the preparation of current and future workers for the changing needs of the U.S. economy. Job creation and […] Read more »
October 28, 2017
Statement from Center for Education Reform Founder and CEO Jeanne Allen on Kevin Chavous’s new role: “It is with great pleasure that I am pleased to announce that longtime friend, CER board member, and reform movement leader Kevin Chavous will become the president of K12 Inc. I first met Kevin when he was a District […] Read more »
July 26, 2017
Statement from the Center for Education Reform:  Randi Weingarten’s smug obstinacy in refusing to accept responsibility for her slur against reformers is disturbing. [U.S. News & World Report, July 24, 2017]Clearly, she believes staying on message—no matter how insulting that message is to African-Americans and people of color throughout the nation—is more important than honesty, fairness, […] Read more »
July 20, 2017
STATEMENT BY JEANNE ALLEN, FOUNDER AND CEO “AFT president Randi Weingarten’s characterization of education reform parents and advocates as racists akin to the southern segregationists of the past, is not just ill-advised hyperbole, it is a deeply offensive, highly inflammatory insult to all the parents and people – of all races, backgrounds, and regions – […] Read more »
July 13, 2017
Press Release from Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina:  Raleigh, NC (July 13, 2017) – Today Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) announced the release of a new white paper rebutting a flawed academic analysis of the Opportunity Scholarship Program from the Children’s Law Clinic at Duke Law School. PEFNC’s paper, North Carolina Opportunity Scholarships: […] Read more »
July 11, 2017
For somebody who says she is pro-union, public school assistant principal Bhavini Bhakta certainly has her union worried. She is one of the plaintiffs in Bain v. California Teachers Association, a lawsuit that could end the ability of public-sector unions to force workers like her to support its political activities. It is one of three cases […] Read more »
June 26, 2017
(Washington, D.C.)—In a 7-2 decision today, “the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a victory for the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious freedom for religious schools,” said Jeanne Allen, Founder and CEO of Center for Education Reform. Trinity Lutheran had been denied state funding for a playground surface solely because its school is a religious one. The court’s […] Read more »
Charter Schools Outperform Traditional Public Schools
April 17, 2017
Florida’s charter school students performed better on state exams and made greater learning gains than their peers in traditional public schools in 2015-16, and racial achievement gaps were smaller in charter schools, according to a new state report. Read more »
The DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
March 8, 2017
Today, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will consider the Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Reauthorization Act. Read more »
Paul Clement
March 7, 2017
A team of Constitutional law experts led by former Solicitor General of the United States Paul Clement has determined that the Kentucky state constitution does not in any way prohibit enactment of a strong charter school law. Read more »