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June 20, 2016
Allen says “more was accomplished in the first nine years of the education reform movement than in the past 16.” Read more »
June 18, 2016
The Center for Education Reform, a longtime charter school advocacy organization, says innovation and momentum within the sector of independent schools has slowed, and needs an infusion of new ideas that incorporate new strategies drawn from education technology and other areas. Read more »
June 17, 2016
"Many students who enroll in virtual charter schools do so because of extenuating circumstances or because they simply are not served well in a brick-and-mortar learning environment," Allen said. Read more »
June 17, 2016
Allen called the report "well-intentioned" but said, "We have got to stop making policy prescriptives based on aggregated data and averages that ignore individual outcomes." Read more »
June 17, 2016
But Jeanne Allen of the Center for Education Reform said the report “lacks the depth and integrity that we need in educational analysis, and ignores the fact that the voluntary choices of parents — when they have them — do not represent our conception of what works best for their kids. Read more »
June 17, 2016
The Center for Education Reform released a “manifesto” this week responding to a reform movement that the advocacy group says is in crisis. Read more »
June 16, 2016
Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the pro-school choice Center for Education Reform, called on the education reform movement to change, boldly claiming that the movement saw more success in its first nine years than in the last 16. Read more »
June 16, 2016
To right the course of the movement she helped found, Allen wrote a white paper emphasizing innovation and opportunity called “IO: The New Opportunity Agenda,” and invited a group of people from various educational constituencies to learn about it at a luncheon at the National Press Club here today. Read more »
June 8, 2016
by Dorothy “Doro” Bush Koch Fox News June 8, 2016 Graduation is an inspirational time of year when proud families celebrate education milestones and the beginnings of productive lives. I remember a commencement speech that my mom, former First Lady Barbara Bush, delivered at Wellesley College in 1990.  She retold a story by Robert Fulghum […] Read more »
May 23, 2016
NAEP data, combined with information on college readiness, presents a clear picture on the need to improve and expand access to innovative learning opportunities. Read more »