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CER in the News

Why More Charter Schools Aren't Unionized

Unions have struggled to gain traction in the fast-growing charter sector. As the number of charter schools has grown nationally, the number of unionized staff members has shrunk according to the most recent data from the Center for Education Reform.

Insights From a Unionized Charter School Network

Despite a national decline in the number of charter schools with unionized staffs over the past few years, one high-profile charter chain based in California is not only unionized, it's also expanding into new states.

Charter group sues for new school funding formula

The state has been shortchanging charter schools through a funding formula that delivers only a portion of the resources received by traditional public schools, according to a lawsuit filed against the state Tuesday.

Disability-Focused Charter Schools Renew Inclusion Debate

Parents go to great lengths to meet the special and often demanding needs of children with disabilities. In Diana Diaz-Harrison's case, that meant opening a charter school in Phoenix for her son, who has autism—and for other students like him—when she felt his needs weren't being met in regular district-run schools.

New York Parents Sue for Charter School Equity

A group of parents in Buffalo and Rochester, N.Y., has filed a lawsuit against the state, saying that the state’s formula for funding charter schools illegally shortchanges them compared to public schools.

Cooper: Teach from the heart, not to the test

If 2013 is any indication, then we can expect approximately 56 million children to go "back to school" in an American elementary or secondary school, by early September.

The widening gap

The Center for Education Reform is by no means the only privately funded organization devoted to broadening school choice for parents and their children, but it’s one of the most effective.

Editorial: School choice a matter of human dignity

It is an inexplicable failure of our country that American families still do not have full and equal access to educational choice.

Teacher's unions at the frontier: Taking on charter schools

The National Education Association's new president is making a push for unionizing charter schools, Education Week reports, working to counter a widespread myth that charter schools can't unionize.

What can Jeff Cogen's new charter school job tell us about how Oregon charter schools work?

Jeff Cogen has worked as an organic bakery owner, a nonprofit communications director, a political staffer and as Multnomah County’s top elected official.