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April 29, 2013
Fox & Friends April 29, 2013 CER President Jeanne Allen discusses teachers unions’ efforts to unionize charter schools on Fox & Friends.   Watch the latest video at Read more »
April 29, 2013
When it comes to school choice and giving parents the power to control their child’s education, Kansas earns a failing grade. Read more »
April 24, 2013
Virginia parents are practically powerless in determining the course of their children’s education, and student success is urgently low. Read more »
April 17, 2013
Alabama ranked 46th -- poorly, in other words, which is so customary in national reviews of states' public education systems. Read more »
April 16, 2013
Arizona ranked sixth on The Center for Education Reform’s Parent Power Index, which means parents have access to quality education options and are provided with good information to make smart decisions about their children’s education. Read more »
April 11, 2013
Louisiana parents have more power in their children's education than parents in nearly every other state, according to a new report card from the pro-charter Center for Education Reform. The state moved from sixth to third in the group's "parent power index," scoring 80.5 percent, or 2.55 on a four-point scale. Indiana and Florida topped the list. Read more »
April 5, 2013
Earlier this year, the Center for Education Reform in Washington, D. C. announced that South Carolina had moved from seventeenth to twelfth in the nation regarding the best state public charter school laws. Read more »
April 1, 2013
Supporters of charter schools will rally at the State House before the committee hearings to oppose the bills, which one advocate said will jeopardize the establishment and operation of charter schools in Maine. Read more »
March 29, 2013
“Maybe [Project Libertas] is a case of where a state like Indiana has whet parents’ appetite about what school choice is like,” figures Jeanne Allen, the president of the D.C.-based Center for Education Reform, “and they want to figure out how to do it, and maybe how to do it better.” Read more »
March 24, 2013
"Great authorizing makes for great schools, both in terms of achievement and financial and operational accountability," said Jeanne Allen, president of the Washington-based Center for Education Reform. Read more »