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January 24, 2017
Opinion Floyd County Times January 24, 2017 Kentucky felt an earthquake on November 8, 2016 that drastically changed the makeup of Frankfort and provided the Bluegrass state with a viable path to finally adopt needed reforms. With an eager Governor and a General Assembly intent on improving Kentucky’s business climate and education system, Kentuckians from […] Read more »
January 18, 2017
January 17, 2017 CER CEO Jeanne Allen dispels myths surrounding Donald Trump’s pick for Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, on Wall Street Journal Opinion Journal Live with Mary Kissel.   Read more »
January 17, 2017
Fox & Friends January 17, 2017 CER Founder & CEO Jeanne Allen sounds off on teachers unions effort to discredit Betsy Devos, Trump’s nominee for Education Secretary, and her push for parent power.   Read more »
January 17, 2017
by Jordyn Phelps ABC Online January 17, 2017 Let the education wars begin. Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, has the nation’s teachers unions preparing to re-enter battle over public education systems, a little over a year after a bipartisan education reform deal was reached on the Every Student Succeeds […] Read more »
January 9, 2017
by Jeanne Allen Washington Examiner December 5, 2016 With Betsy DeVos likely the next Secretary of Education, the sharks of the status quo are circling. There is all sorts of misinformation about her home state of Michigan’s vibrant charter school movement and whether such schools in Detroit have succeeded or failed in a city that […] Read more »
December 29, 2016
With interest in education innovation aligned, the nation’s schools get a boost by Jeanne Allen Washington Times December 29, 2016 It turns out that Donald Trump and Bill Gates have an important shared interest. And it bodes very well for the prospects for success in the new administration. After their hour-long meeting at Trump Tower […] Read more »
December 7, 2016
Fox40 covers CER’s announcing Sacramento California’s Natomas Charter School the winner of the “Hey John Oliver Back Off My Charter School” video contest. The contest was launched in August in response to a misleading and poorly contrived segment of HBO’s Last Week Tonight, hosted by comedian John Oliver, which had the potential to cause serious […] Read more »
November 30, 2016
by Arianna Prothero Education Week November 30, 2016 School choice advocates are waffling between excitement for potentially unprecedented new opportunities under a Donald Trump administration, and concern that the president-elect could also dramatically undermine the school choice movement. Trump’s promise on the campaign trail to spend $20 billion on school vouchers for low-income students could […] Read more »
November 26, 2016
by Stephanie Wang and Chelsea Schneider IndyStar November 26, 2016 As governor, Mike Pence strongly advocated for education reforms, overseeing a vast expansion of the state’s private school voucher program and a boost in funding for charter schools. Now as the incoming vice president, Pence has the chance to promote those same policies on the national […] Read more »
November 25, 2016
by Chad Livengood, Jonathan Oosting and Michael Gerstein The Detroit News November 25, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump’s planned nomination of west Michigan philanthropist Betsy DeVos for education secretary has ignited a debate about how the country delivers a high-quality education for every child. DeVos, 58, supports increasing school choices, which she has called an attempt to […] Read more »