Education 50
Governor Grades on Education Reform 2014
After the 2014 election, 52% of governors (including Washington D.C. mayor) are considered education reformers. Leaders are considered reform-minded or not based on where they stand on charter schools, school choice, and performance pay. These ratings do not just consider what governors have said about the issues, but also what they have done to champion…
How to Spot a REAL Education Reformer
THE FIELD GUIDE TO EDUCATION REFORM: HOW TO SPOT A REAL EDUCATION REFORMER These days, everyone is “for” education reform. But when everyone claims to favor “reform,” how can you tell the real reformers (“the doers” who are focused on real results for students) from the rest (“the talkers” who are more concerned about maintaining…
Candidate Meter: Make Your Vote Count!
With an election just days away, it’s important that you assess the positions and potential effectiveness of those seeking your vote -- be it President, Congress, governor, state legislature, local school board or any other locally elected office that influences education reform.