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How are Charter Schools Funded?

Charter schools are public schools. Like district public schools, they are funded according to enrollment (also called average daily attendance, or ADA), and receive funding from the district and the state according to the number of students attending. The ways and amounts at which charters are funded compared to their district counterparts differ dramatically in an…

Virtual Reality — Online Learning Is Growing

Once upon a time considered more sci-fi than science, online learning is growing by leaps and bounds, providing students and families yet another choice for education.

The 10 Elements of Digital Learning

The Digital Learning Council defines elements and identifies actions that need to be taken by lawmakers and policymakers to foster high quality, customized education for all students with the 10 Elements of High Quality Digital Learning .

Achievement Gap Isn't Just Black And White

Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options hosted an education summit in Florida to examine how school choice options can help Hispanic students not only stay in school, but achieve at higher levels.

Phi Delta Kappa/Gallup Poll Flaws

At the heart of the PDK/Gallup Poll again this year is one principal theme that in nearly every instance, data, facts, or complete context is not offered in exchange for the opinions sought.

Will the Real Common Core Please Stand Up?

What is being called the Common Core these days is not really the original Common Core.

New SAT Analysis: We’re Dropping Back

2011 SAT score analysis shows that student improvement is going nowhere, and achievement gaps still exist. It's time to rally for a system that puts students and their achievement first.

"Save Our Schools"? More Like Save Our Status Quo

Last month’s march on Washington D.C. by the group erroneously titled "Save our Schools" is something out of a bad back-to-the-future movie.

AFT Caught In The Act

All the talk about caring about the kids, the parents. Ha. The nation's second largest teachers union got caught telling members how they really feel about parents' involvement in the education of their offspring.

Princeton Charter vs. District

When the NJ Commissioner of Education approved the Princeton International Academy Charter School (PIACS), he probably didn't know that the district would fight so vigorously to thwart his authority – and the Governor's authority by extension – so vehemently.