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Our View

Cory Booker: Newark mayor, Rhodes scholar, crime fighter

Not only is Alliance board member Cory Booker a champion of school choice, nobody--nobody--messes with his town.  Mayor Booker and his guards left Newark’s City Hall around 12:30 p.m. yesterday for a meeting and stumbled upon what appeared to be a confrontation across the street: a police officer and a man in a standoff on…

Blog reaction on New Jersey

Jim Wooten, blogger/columnist with the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, likes the lawsuit:There is an answer. It’s contained in the New Jersey suit — though, honestly, I’m not any more desirous of conservative judicial activism than I am of liberal judicial activism. The legislature should do what the suit asks: Give parents a portion of the money set…

Dallas ISD credit card fiasco

A reader brought this to our attention:With little oversight, Dallas Independent School District employees swipe their district-issued credit cards hundreds of times a day, spending about $20 million a year on everything from office supplies and textbooks to meals and giveaway trinkets.About 1,200 cards are in circulation, and they keep the district running. With them,…

New Jersey reax

Alliance president Clint Bolick gave advance warning yesterday, and our lawsuit in New Jersey is now a reality.  A list of news stories can be found here, but here are a few other links.Education Week's web-only link (subscription required):In a series of school finance lawsuits over the past 30 years, New Jersey courts have mandated…

The face of McKay kids

One Florida parent/educator is doing what she can for special-needs kids: Tucked into a Kass Circle storefront near Michelle's Elbow Room restaurant and Pizzaz Hair Design, the Golden Branch Academy still lacks furniture and just got a phone connection.But if Lourdes Morales' dream becomes a reality, by late August, that storefront will be home to a…

Eliot Spitzer, champion of school choice?

In an interview, Democrat Eliot Spitzer explained his education policy if he is elected governor of New York (hat tip to The Chalkboard):How would you improve the city schools, and how would you invest the money that may come as a result of the Campaign for Fiscal Equity lawsuit against the state?I believe in competition,…

NEA conference resolutions

Cross Blogging casts a jaded eye on some of the more questionable resolutions passed last week in Orlando.  Go read.  (Hat tip to this week's Carnival of Education, being hosted by School Me.)

Buffett and Green Dot: an open question to Andrew Coulson

Andrew Coulson is a little pessimistic on the Gates/Buffett philanthropic leviathan, pointing out that others have been here before:Mr. Buffett and the Gateses are not the first to invest over a billion dollars in an ambitious school reform plan. Ambassador and TV Guide  mogul Walter Annenberg trod this path during the 1990s, donating $500 million…

The California charter school insurrection continues

First L.A., now San Diego:As a venture capitalist, Greg Mauro's job is to find and nurture promising technology startups for investment opportunities. Now he wants to do the same in the public education arena.The 36-year-old recently helped secure $35 million in federal tax credits for building new charter schools in low-income neighborhoods in California.San Diego-based…

Remedial Education (Clint Bolick)

A world of education reform will change tomorrow when a group of families files a class action lawsuit in Chancery Court in Newark, N.J. They are asking for an immediate and meaningful remedy for 60,000 children trapped in failing schools -- by transferring control over education funds from bureaucrats to parents.