Our View
Watching the NEA Convention
Mixing work with play? Or maybe he just had nothing better to do with all those frequent flyer miles? No matter; Mike Antonucci is watching the NEA's every move at the union's annual convention, held this year in sunny Orlando. (And when it's all over, he'll jump up and shout, "I'm going to..." Oh, never…
Australian: Real ed reform is happening in Florida
As I commented last week, sometimes people on the outside looking in make the best observations. Take this from Australia, for example (yes, it's a long quote, but it's a long and important column): For too long, the social engineers in charge of teaching used the classroom as a leveller, where no one failed and no…
Commenting on Friedman and Sipchen
There have been a number of comments on Bob Sipchen's article/interview with Milton Friedman. We decided to respond to this one.
Charter school fistfights
The lawsuits are flying right and left in Colorado. Lawsuits quietly making their way through state courts could put an end to an agency that grants public school charters over the objection of local school boards. At issue is the Colorado Charter School Institute, established by the legislature in 2004. Seven schools authorized by the…
Oh say can you see…
On the heels of another school choice victory, we're off to enjoy some hot dogs, fireworks, and--above all--liberty. Happy Fourth of July--we'll be back tomorrow! (And thanks to this site for the pretty picture.)
A Russian works to fix U.S. math education
Sometimes it takes somebody from the outside looking in to help fix a problem. A Russian-born mathematician has created a nonprofit program that he thinks will revolutionize education in the U.S.He created Reasoning Mind because he had a dismal opinion of American education, from kindergarten through high school.This Web-based math program "does not merely incorporate technology…
Pennsylvania, Democrats and school choice
In my earlier post on today's School Me! interview of Friedman, I made the assertion that Democrats can no longer afford to stonewall school choice. It seems some Democrats have gotten the message. Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell just signed into law an expansion of that state's Education Tax Credit Program, increasing the amount available from…
Trading curricula?
When it comes to teachers designing their own curricula, one entrepreneur is putting his money where is mouth is:Teachers are selling their original lectures, course outlines and study guides to other teachers through a new Web site launched by New York entrepreneur Paul Edelman.The site, teacherspayteachers.com, aims to be an eBay for educators. For a…
The 100 best schools in the U.S.A.
Are they really the 100 best schools in the U.S.?Many of the high schools on Newsweek’s popular annual lists of the nation’s Top 100 schools have glaring achievement gaps between the races and high dropout rates, according to a new report.Education Sector, an independent, nonpartisan education think tank, collected student performance data for the 100…
Sipchen and Friedman
We see a lot of meaning in this very important article, where School Me! columnist Bob Sipchen sits down with Milton Friedman. But rather than simply break out in thunderous applause every 10 seconds or so, we'll just chip in here and there:“Vouchers,” (Friedman) says, “should have been a Democratic proposal. I don’t think the…