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Common Ground interview with Jeanne Allen

Bill Walton sits down with Jeanne Allen, Founder & CEO, The Center for Education Reform, to discuss options for improving the nation's education system.    

Why most teachers get a bad deal on pensions

State plans create more losers than winners, and many get nothing at all. States and school districts spend more than $50 billion each year on teacher pensions, the keystone in teacher compensation packages. In theory, they provide a generous and secure pot of gold at the end of a teacher’s career, which serves as an…

Charting a New Course The Case for Freedom, Flexibility & Opportunity Through Charter Schools

Download the PDF here Contributions to this publication were made from transcripts of remarks presented at EdReform: Revived, hosted by the Center for Education Reform, Washington, D.C., November 23, 2016.

There Are Two Ways to Reform Education. This New Book Explains Why Only One of Them Will Succeed.

If education reformers are honest with one another, we must admit that our efforts have a hit a wall.


As Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos testifies on Capitol Hill there is myriad of comments about what she should or shouldn't do, and what she can expect. Fordham's Mike Petrilli yesterday offered that she should address the criticisms of her previous testimony by talking about the tension between civil and religious rights, and the value…

Discussion on Budget Should be Refocused

As Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos testifies on Capitol Hill there is myriad of comments about what she should or shouldn't do, and what she can expect. Fordham's Mike Petrilli yesterday offered that she should address the criticisms of her previous testimony by talking about the tension between civil and religious rights, and the value…

National Charter School Law Ranking & Scorecard

Since 1996, CER’s yearly scorecard and ranking of state charter school laws has provided guidance and feedback to policymakers on the relative strengths and weakness of charter school policies and their effectiveness in fulfilling the true meaning of the words “charter school law."

Nevada's AB49 a Giant Step Backward For Charters

National leaders say bill “hurts vulnerable students whose public school options are already limited in a state with only 34 charter schools.

State tax credit programs get boost in Harrisburg

Sometimes it takes a giant telegram to deliver a giant message — that educational tax credits are critical to the future of Catholic schools.