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Chicago to get new charter schools

After the charter school moratorium was thwarted in early October, the Chicago Board of Education has unanimously approved two new charter schools to open. Here's part of the scoop from Sarah Schulte at ABC 7 Chicago: The Chicago Board of Education unanimously approved plans Wednesday to open two more charter schools in the city. Supporters…

More charter schools join funding lawsuit, as city council plans to probe issue

The legal battle over funding for Baltimore city charter schools gained three more complainants Tuesday, bringing the number of schools now suing the city school system to 14.

WA Charter School Update: Motion for Reconsideration Deadline Extended to October 23

September 21, 2015 from the Washington State Charter Schools Association: State Supreme Court Grants WA Charters Additional Time to File Motion for Reconsideration Last Friday, the State Supreme Court granted a request by the Washington State Charter Schools Association (WA Charters) to extend the deadline to file a Motion for Reconsideration to October 23. This additional time…

City charter schools file lawsuit against school system over funding

A group of Baltimore city charter schools has filed a lawsuit against the Baltimore city school system, alleging that the district's funding formula for charters violates state law and threatens their ability to serve thousands of students.

Number of Baton Rouge charter schools doubles in 3 years; four new ones open this week

by Charles Lussier The Advocate August 5, 2015 Four new charter schools are opening their doors this week in Baton Rouge, joining an increasingly crowded local education marketplace. They bring the total number of charter schools in East Baton Rouge Parish to 25, double the total just three years ago. Charter schools are public schools…

Group sues 13 school districts for not using test scores in teacher evaluations

An education advocacy group sued 13 California school districts Thursday, claiming that they have ignored a state law requiring teachers’ performance evaluations to include student standardized test scores.

Douglas County Colorado's Choice Scholarship Program Ruled Unconstitutional

The Colorado Supreme Court today ruled the Douglas County Choice Scholarship Pilot Program unconstitutional, meaning district families will no longer be able to use this program as a means to access education that best meets their child's unique individual learning needs.

Lawsuit aims to block charter school from co-locating

The war against the Success Academy charter schools network of Eva Moskowitz continues with a vengeance. A Manhattan federal suit filed Friday aims to block Bronx Success Academy 3 from co-locating at an under-used building at 1000 Teller Ave. shared by four other small schools.

School voucher program on hold for N.C. Supreme Court

A state program that uses taxpayer money to pay student tuition at private and religious schools is headed for uncertainty for the second straight year as North Carolina judge grapple with whether it's constitutional.

Obama Budget Neglects DC Opportunity Scholarships

In one budget request after another, President Obama continues to underfund the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP) so that only basic administrative costs are covered. This year’s FY 2016 budget was no different. The underfunding remains a mystery in the face of the OSP’s incredible success: 89 percent of twelfth grade OSP students graduated high…