Washington State Loses Waiver
The Federal Department of Education is pulling Washington State’s No Child Left Behind (NCLB) waiver because the state has not fulfilled the department’s requirements for reform, mainly linking teacher evaluations to student performance. Washington State Superintendent Randy Dorn blames the teacher’s unions because they “felt it was more important to protect their members than agree…
Pennsylvania Legislation Would Allow Charters to Open Without Permission from Hostile School Boards
Charter schools are supposed to be useful tools for families that desire more choices in education. But in Pennsylvania there aren’t nearly enough charter schools, and approximately 40,000 students have been left languishing on waiting lists.
Analysis of the Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act
Tuesday, the U.S. House Education Committee held a hearing on H.R. 10, the Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act, and while some are praising the legislation, the Center for Education Reform cautions that it is nothing more than a natural progression of the federal government becoming too involved in charter school policy.
Raising the Bar: The Role of Charters in K-12 Education
Testimony before the House Education and the Workforce Committee of the United States Congress.
Concerns Persist Over NCLB Waivers
Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), along with the chairs of the black, Asian, and Hispanic caucuses, expressed concern that the Education Secretary Arne Duncan isn’t holding states that have been given waivers from the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) accountable. These lawmakers are concerned the academic progress and improvement strategies required by the waivers aren’t…
Senate Proposals Would Expand Choice
Legislation introduced by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) would distribute $2,100 in Opportunity Scholarships for up to 11 million low-income children across the United States. Called the “Scholarships for Kids” Act, the bill would divert $24 billion in federal education dollars to provide these Opportunity Scholarships. A central intention of this bill is to encourage choice…
School Choice Proponents’ Challenge? Educating Parents
One of the greatest challenges for proponents of school choice is simply educating parents that they have a choice. “If we’re going to really have parents engaged in knowing what all their options are, someone’s got to go and tell them,” said Jonathan Butcher, education director at Goldwater Institute.
Michigan Needs to Choose School Choice
This fall, Michigan received disappointing, but expected news: The Center for Education Reform gave the state a score of '0' for its school choice policies. Though charter public schools provide choice to approximately 10 percent of Michigan public school students, our state is the only one in the nation to hold the distinction of constitutionally…
California Students Post Top Test-Score Gains
California students posted the biggest gains on a national standardized test last year, placing the state in the unfamiliar position of being the best rather than among the worst when it comes to anything related to education. Students here topped those in the 49 other states with a seven-point gain in eighth-grade reading, according to results…
N.J., Va. Governors May Face Legislative Hurdles
By Andrew Ujifusa Education Week November 11, 2013 The two gubernatorial contests this year produced the re-election of a staunch foe of teachers' unions in New Jersey and the election of a solid friend of public school funding in Virginia. Both winners, though, must deal with legislatures controlled by the opposite party as they consider…