North Carolina Bill SB 337 – Analysis of Changes to Charter School Law
Download or print your PDF copy of North Carolina Bill SB 337 – Analysis of Changes to Charter School Law [pdf issuu_pdf_id="130711225326-3c74de7121694f9f8ebea69e134ef372" layout="2" width="640" height="480" bgcolor="FFFFFF" allow_full_screen_="1" flip_timelaps="6000" ]
CER Position on NC Charter Law Amendment (SB 337)
Download or print your PDF copy of CER Position on NC Charter Law Amendment (SB 337) [pdf issuu_pdf_id="130711225324-44f8625bdceb4388aaa6f8554c531b60" layout="2" width="640" height="480" bgcolor="FFFFFF" allow_full_screen_="1" flip_timelaps="6000" ]
A Course of Action for the Next Generation of ESEA
Yesterday, the US House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce moved their version of ESEA reauthorization to the House floor on party lines, signaling a showdown with the US Senate.
TX Charter Bill Moves Forward
The bill would update rules on the renewal, expansion and revocation of charters, raising the current cap of 215 charters that can be authorized at any one time by allowing an additional 10 per year up to a total of 275 by 2019.
Mississippi Governor Signs Charter Schools Act
The legislation passed allows up to 15 charter schools a year to start in low-performing, D- and F-rated districts, without local school board approval.
TX Senate Committee Approves Tax Credits
A state Senate committee on Thursday approved a high-profile school voucher plan, sending it to the full chamber for what could be a fierce floor fight.
Does Obama's 2014 Budget Put DC Vouchers In Danger?
News outlets and the blogosphere have been abuzz lately about the impact that President Obama's 2014 Budget plan will have on education. Of particular note is funding, or lack thereof, to the highly successful and popular D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).
CA Trigger Parents Choose Charter
Parents at 24th Street Elementary School have overwhelmingly chosen a partnership between the Los Angeles Unified School District and a charter school to run the persistently low-performing Jefferson Park campus.
Parent Power Index Scoring Rubric
April 10, 2013 Download or print your PDF copy of the Parent Power Index Scoring Rubric [pdf issuu_pdf_id="130410125123-71b2fb1c93ca44cf97a8c50885b46839" layout="presentation" width="640" height="480" bgcolor="FFFFFF" allow_full_screen_="1" flip_timelaps="6000" ]
Voucher Victory in Indiana
The Indiana Supreme Court unanimously rules that the state's voucher program, also known as the choice scholarship program, does not violate Indiana's constitution.