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Suing For Monopoly On Parents

The nonprofit PTA sued for-profit rival PTO on Wednesday, accusing it of denigrating the established group in a bid to siphon off members.

New Chicago Contract Ends Lawsuits

A tentative contract between the Chicago Teachers Union and CPS brings closure on legal battles filed by both sides during the seven-day strike.

Candidate Views At Education Nation

The presidential candidates offered clashing views on education, particularly on teacher unions.

Charter Moratorium End In Sight?

The New Hampshire charter school moratorium could be lifted as soon as November if legislative budget writers approve an additional $5 million.

Constitution Day 2012

Federal regulation requires the development of student programming to celebrate U.S. Constitution Day on September 17th of each year. Check out and pass along these great resources.

No Ruling Yet In CTU Strike

Chicago district files suit on grounds that teachers can't strike over noneconomic issues, but judge delays ruling until Wednesday to review facts.

Great Hearts Charter Rejection Costly

The Tennessee Department of Education will withhold $3.4 million from Nashville public schools “as a consequence of the district’s refusal to follow state law.”

Slow-Going On Teacher Evaluations

Districts’ teacher evaluation plans are taking NY officials longer than anticipated to review.

Nashville Charter On Hold

Great Hearts Academies will wait to open a charter school in Tennessee until state law allows for an impartial charter school approval process.

Strike Means 350,000 Out Of School

Chicago public-school teachers unable to reach deal with board over teacher evaluations and benefits.