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Vouchers Prompting Battles Nationwide

Students caught in the middle of political fights and court battles over whether public dollars should go to school voucher programs.

Voucher, Charter Victory in Louisiana

State Senate votes in favor of Gov. Jindal's reforms, such as expanding charter schools and establishing a voucher program.

Tenure Elimination Stalls In Missouri

State senate opts for pilot program in test vote rather than eliminating teacher tenure.

No Vouchers For Alaska

Supporters acknowledge they don't have enough support to pass constitutional amendment.

Politics Stall Frederick Charter

Supporters of a proposed charter school express anger over a setback they say is the result of a politically motivated decision by board members.

CA Trigger Turnaround Rejected

Supporters of changes at struggling Desert Trails Elementary say they will fight the vote in court.

AJC Investigates Cheating Nationwide

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution conducts a similar analysis of broader scope that led to a state investigation of cheating in Atlanta schools.

GA Charter Resolution Passes

This fall, voters will get to decide how much authority the state should have to approve and fund charter schools.

NJ: Vouchers Strike Back

After a winter hiatus, a trimmed-down Opportunity Scholarship Act proposal is back in the legislature.