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A Movement of Diversity & Equity

National Charter Schools Week 2018 Day 5 The charter school movement, and many of its greatest initial and on-going successes, is rooted in its commitment to serving students who for whatever the reason have not been well-served by traditional public education. It’s greatest strength, in fact, is being able to serve students from fragile communities, in…

"But You’ve Got to Have FRIENDS"

National Charter Schools Week 2018 Day 4 Some of the earliest founded charter school advocacy groups had friends in their name, and for good reason. They wanted to be what most of us aspire to be in all walks of like – great friends to the new kid on the block. Friends of Choice in…

The UNIONS, and their impact on Teachers

National Charter Schools Week 2018 Day 3 Recognizing charter schools as well as those who enable their progress on this #TeachersDay 2018 must include a recognition of those that stand in the way of yet more progress- the National Education Association and the exceptionally hostile American Federation of Teachers (AFT). It’s no secret these two…

Keys to Success for Charter Schools Include Strong Legislators & Strong Laws

National Charter Schools Week 2018 Day 2 Each year National Charter Schools Week gives charter advocates an opportunity not only to bring further attention to chartering and the myriad benefits it offers our children but to the elements critical for success. Let’s start the week with one major one – legislators. Having the dedicated support of legislators…

Opportunities Under Siege – National Charter Schools Week 2018: An Open Letter from Jeanne Allen

National Charter Schools Week 2018 In the 27+ years since the founding of the charter school movement, tremendous progress has been made in the number of schools established, and in the wealth of innovative opportunities they offer to children, families, teachers and communities. In the 25 years CER has been leading the fight for innovation…

Kentucky Lawmakers Fail to Fund Charter Law

News Alert April 6, 2017 Dear Friends, In 2017, as Kentucky lawmakers were patting themselves on the back for passing a charter school law, the National Charter School Law Scorecard gave the state a “D” for having one of the weakest of 44 charter laws in the country. Yesterday, the legislature made history for being…

Employee Freedom on Trial Monday

Favorable decision Janus case could mean better education, expanded opportunity MEDIA ADVISORY Friday, February 22, 2018  CONTACT Christina Mazzanti, Dir., Communications [email protected] (202) 750-0016 Monday: US Supreme Court hears arguments on worker freedom Janus v. AFSCME decision, whether favorable or not, will have wide-ranging implications for public-sector union employees and education at large   (Washington,…

Loving the Work and Those We Serve

February 14, 2018 Dear Friends, We began 2018 hopeful that real substantive changes to education policy and practice will again come to our schools and children this year. We renewed our focus on ensuring that America is prepared to deliver on its promise of opportunity so that every child — and learners at all levels,…

BREAKING: Education Community in Unison: Expand Opportunity

School Choice Week exclusive demonstrates widespread + growing support for education opportunity expanded to all in need. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, January 22, 2017  CONTACT Christina Mazzanti, Dir., Communications [email protected] (202) 750-0016 BREAKING: Special National School Choice Week Podcast features Schools, Members of Congress, Ed Secretary Reality Check shows growing impact of and support for education…


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Monday, January 8, 2017  CONTACT Christina Mazzanti, Dir., Communications [email protected] (202) 750-0016 CER URGES PRESIDENT TO KEEP EDUCATION FRONT AND CENTER IN RURAL INITIATIVE Statement by Jeanne Allen in response to President Trump’s Rural Prosperity Plans (Washington, D.C.) - Today President Trump announced an initiative to achieve prosperity for rural America by…