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November 17, 2016
  Educational freedom drives innovation that shocks the status quo, inserts competition, and ultimately contributes to the superior outcomes that result from content excellence delivered through great school.s NOTE: A more comprehensive report is coming soon, including videos and full resource bank. Access part of the TRANSCRIPT from the event here! This one-day event was […] Read more »
November 7, 2016
If you know anyone in MA, even long lost friends, please forward this email to them! It’s time to expand parent power for our kids. “If you were told that your only option for school for your child was currently underperforming, what would you do?” A Note from Beth Anderson (Excerpts) I am sending this […] Read more »
November 1, 2016
Meet the Richards family from Framingham, Massachusetts. They are just one of thousands of families across the Bay State who have had their lives forever changed thanks to the excellent education they received at their local charter school – Christa McCullough Charter School. “Charter schools have made the last three years the best of my […] Read more »
November 1, 2016
As Massachusetts voters consider expanding opportunity through public charter schools on November 8, charter school parent Laura Richards explains how charter schools in Massachusetts have helped her son in ways she never imagined possible. Read more »
October 12, 2016
  The 23 year history of #EdReform is also the making of a movement!  Follow these #CER23 Timeline Tidbits to learn why it matters:     1993: 10 years after Nation at Risk & continued crisis, The Center for Education Reform is founded by @JeanneAllen to make all schools work better for all children. 1995: CER publishesThe […] Read more »
September 19, 2016
As the 2016 presidential debates kick off, Success Academy’s middle school debate champions will demonstrate how the pros do it! This live debate will feature eighth grade scholars from Success Academy Harlem East’s champion debate team, who will apply their remarkable skills in arguing both sides of an exciting education policy issue. Opening remarks will […] Read more »
September 16, 2016
Education Reform has evolved. And with it, so has CER’s mission to transform the landscape for education excellence and opportunity. In an increasingly digital world, the need to connect the dots between leading innovators and technology with the demand for greater educational opportunity is more critical than ever. The need to improve opportunities for students […] Read more »
August 25, 2016
A Letter to John Oliver from Boys’ Latin Charter School Co-Founder Janine Yass: I have been an avid fan of yours for quite some time now and have come close to laughing so hard during your program that I start to cry. But last night I watched your rant about charter schools and found myself […] Read more »
August 24, 2016
A Letter to John Oliver from Appletree Charter Schools Founder Jack McCarthy: I’m a fan of the show and I thought your report on charter schools was devastating. It would also be reasonable for your team to report on the ineptitude, corruption and self-dealing that takes place in public schools that operate under the district […] Read more »
August 23, 2016
1/Many tweets on Why @iamjohnoliver is wrong on charter schools, and why it’s no laughing matter. — Center for Ed Reform (@edreform) August 23, 2016 2/21: It was wrong and in bad taste, deliberately skewed to paint a picture that charter schools are not serious. — Center for Ed Reform (@edreform) August 23, 2016 3/21: […] Read more »