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April 17, 2007
More than 500 parents, grandparents, educators, kids, and community leaders packed a gym to dedicate the conversion of a former hospital and clinic into the beautiful home of Lakes International Language Academy - a three-year-old charter public school. Read more »
April 16, 2007
Nary a conversation seems to occur on world globalization and progress without a mention of the famous Thomas Friedman book, “The World is Flat.”  I have to wonder why the education world has not yet grasped its own inevitable and necessary flattening.
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April 13, 2007

There is a third way that gives a mayor a way to truly impact education while sidestepping the treacherous politics and problems of takeovers.

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April 12, 2007

Funding and decision-making authority should follow the student, not programs. This simple but revolutionary idea is gaining bipartisan support across the country. And it could pave the way for an overhaul of federal aid for disadvantaged students.

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April 11, 2007

"Truthiness" makes its way to high school writing, as factual content is being drained away. 

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April 10, 2007

A response to an article by former Alliance president Clint Bolick.

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April 9, 2007
This is a response to an article by former Alliance president Clint Bolick. -ed. Read more »
April 6, 2007

Ben DeGrow puts the latest flare-up over Colorado public charters in context.

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April 5, 2007

A takedown of a recent NYT article on the Reading First scandal. 

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April 4, 2007

It is important to remember that the federal government provides only 8.5 percent of the funding for K-12 education but imposes far more than 8.5 percent of the rules and regulations governing America's schools. Congress has to take a new look at what the federal government is getting in return for this taxpayer investment.

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