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August 22, 2006

Does the Bush Administration mean what it says about No Child Left Behind?

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August 22, 2006

What sort of education constitutes "public"?

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August 15, 2006

A look at how school choice can benefit the individual child. 

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August 15, 2006

Thoughts on Arizona's new foster voucher program from a former foster child.  

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August 15, 2006

Does LAUSD really want to go down the same route as Boston?

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August 15, 2006

A Latino Republican gives his view on a series of meetings on the proposed takeover of Los Angeles Unified School District. 

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August 15, 2006

While deficiencies in NCLB must be remedied, we must also address the crazy ideas that still delude the education profession and the ridiculous union contracts that hamstring common-sense reforms.

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August 15, 2006

A conservative congressman has introduced new legislation based on an old idea: local control over education.

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August 8, 2006

Disagreeing with recent conservative criticism of No Child Left Behind. 

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